The 4 Queens Of Nature And Supernaturals: Kiara, Haley, Jekyra,and Rachel

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Kiara's Pov

After we gathered on the couch we waited for them to start talking about what happend the other day. I was annoyed that i was awaken from a nice dream that I would never admit to Harry or anyone in a millon years.But as much as I'm annoyed I'm curious about my new fire power. Harry I called threw mind link witch im so loving right now. He looked at me. Yes? What's up? He answered. Come hold me. I whined witch was not normal for me to do but I didn't mindb much.

He came and lifted me up as he sat down in my spot. So who's talking first other wise im going to be pissed off I said but didn't really mean it at the moment. As usal Liam started first. "To begin with you girls are queens and not just any queens you girls rule over nature and the supernatral world so lots of people like ummm Jo- ." he stoped mid sentence when he seen me.Which I was glaring at him, daring him to finish that assholes name. "Umm well you know who they will come for you to carry their child witch I doubt we will let happen."

"You queens will have to decide if you want ton rule seperate patrs of the supermaturals or together but other than that Kiara has the element of fire, Haley has the element of water , Rachel uses the element of earth, while Kyra here uses wind. I know you girls are going to be in a lot of danger so we would have to move to cthe castle at once but we could do all that in the next two months since word hasn't gotten out yet" "so we have to work on not only just owning our skills and powers now we have to work on being queens this to much for girl who has trus issues. I cried out clinging to Harry with a smile on my face."Kyra looked at me as if im loosing my mind. i stuck my tounge out at her and kissed Harry on the cheek. Ok im definatley not acting like my rude self i said aloud. Everyone laughed at that and that was how we became queen of the world! just kidding but we do have a lot of work to do. _______________________

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