BACKSTORY: Chapter 5: Post Games Interview

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Word Count: 285

"May I welcome, the victor of the 72nd annual Hunger Games!...Y/n L/n!" Caesar Flickerman yelled as I walked onto the stage. I was limping slightly, but I managed to conceal it quite well. I was wearing a flowered dress once again, it was made of tulips, but as the dress went down, the tulips slowly wilted. "In all honestly, I wasn't sure you were going to make it in the end." Caesar told me.

"Neither was I." I replied softly.

"That speech you gave to the boy in district 1, was very powerful and I think it moved a lot of people." Caesar told me as he looked towards the audience. "Don't you agree?" They all cheered in agreement. "How are you feeling?"

"Physically, I'm still a little shaky." I sighed. "But I'm grateful to be alive. Though I'm not sure it was worth it."

"How so?" Caesar asked.

"I was almost eaten alive by piranhas, I watched a girl get eaten alive just after feeling how painful it was, I then accidentally drank her blood, then I was chased down, drowned, shot at and held up by my hair by someone who was practically laughing at me while I died." You explained in anger. "So, no. It wasn't worth it. I wish I died in the piranha lake. I wish I killed myself before hand. I wish I was never born into a world so cruel."

"We understand this is an extremely hard time for you, so I think it's best if we end it here." Caesar said to you. "Lets give a round of applause to Y/n L/n!" I stormed of the stage quickly. I just wanted to go home.

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