Chapter 7: The Tour

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Word Count: 1132

It was the day of which Katniss and Peeta were visiting the other districts. Hopefully it's not as awkward as mine. I stood in the crowd and watched as they both walked onto the stage. Peeta read off the card, but then put them down. From then on, I knew this wouldn't end well. Once he had finished, Katniss was about to walk away but she came back to the microphone.

"I just wanted to say that, I didn't know Thresh, I only spoke to him once. He could have killed me, but instead he showed me mercy. That's a debt I'll never be able to repay. I did know Rue. She wasn't just my ally, she was my friend. I see her in the flowers that grow in the meadow by my house. I hear her in the Mockingjay song. I see her in my sister Prim. She was too young, too gentle, and I couldn't save her. I'm sorry." She spoke softly and teared up slightly. Suddenly, an older man in the crowd put his three fingers up.

"No-." I said quietly to myself. The peacekeepers came over and grabbed him. "No! Stop!" I tried to pull them off him but they wouldn't budge. I made eye contact with Katniss, who was getting dragged back inside the Hall of Justice. Once the door closed, the man was shot. A tear fell down my face but I knew there was no time for that. I rushed into the hall while the peacekeepers were distracted. Peeta looked back as he rushed up the stairs. He saw me and gestured for me to follow while waiting for me too catch up.

"It wasn't your fault." I said to him softly, putting my hand on his arm. "It wasn't Katniss's either." He nodded and put his hand on mine for a moment until we got to the attic.

"You two have a very simple task." Haymitch said, referring to Katniss and Peeta.

"I never meant for anyone to get killed." Katniss protested with tears in her eyes. "He has to know that."

"What are you talking about?" Haymitch asked.

"Who has to know?" I asked, intruding on there conversation. Sure, it wasn't polite but I was intrigued.

"Snow." She said turning to me. "He came to see me." He's trying to manipulate her. I thought. "He's worried about rebellion in the districts. He thinks they believe I'm a symbol of rebellion and that I defied the capitol."

"So, he wants you to prove your one of them?" I asked, them referring to people like president snow.

"To calm things down." She sighed, catching her breath.

"You know, Katniss. You should've told me that before I went out there, and tried to give these people the money!" Peeta shouted, being to get riled up. I put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. I gave him a look saying you know it wasn't her fault, he nodded and took a breath.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do." Katniss cried. "He threatened to kill my family." Peeta got riled up again and shoved my hand of his shoulder.

"Well, I have family too!" He shouted once more. "Okay? People that I need to protect."

"Peeta." I said in a quiet up assertive tone. "Take a breath."

"What about them? Who protects them?" Haymitch asked, referring to the people in the riots.

"I do." I spoke up, I looked to Haymitch and he nodded.

"Keep doing that." He said then quickly went back to Katniss. "Katniss, what were you thinking?" He asked.

"I was thinking about Rue." She teared up more. "Haymitch, please...please just help me get through this trip. Please just help us get through this."

"It's not just the trip." I sighed. "It doesn't end when you get home. You'll never get off the train. You two are mentors now. That means, every year they'll drag you out and broadcast details about every single thing you do in your waking moments. Every year, your private life becomes theirs. Now all you are, are distractions. So people forget about the real problems."

"So what to we do?" Peeta asked.

"You're gonna smile." Haymitch tells them. "You're gonna read the cards that Effie gives you, and you're gonna live a happily ever after. Think you can do that?" He asked. "Huh?" Katniss nodded. "Yeah? Come here." Haymitch brought her in for a hug.

I looked to Peeta. "You better listen to Haymitch. He's smarter than he looks." I sigh and begin walking away.

"Come with us." Peeta says, making me stop and turn back around. "Come on the train with us, sure Haymitch knows what he's doing but, you do too." I looked to Haymitch.

"Your choice." He said as he pulled back from Katniss. I looked to Peeta, he wanted me to come.

"Sure, let me pack a bag." I said as Peeta came down the stairs with me. Peeta and I walked through the back of the hall to get to the victors village unnoticed. "I'll be 10 minuets tops." I began to walk inside my house, but turned back. "Actually, come in. I don't want the peacekeepers seeing you." He nodded and entered. I noticed him looking around the place and he sat down in the living room.

"Hey, Chaff?!" I yelled.

"Yes!?" He yelled back as he came out of one of the rooms.

"Watch 11 for me, I'm going with Peeta and Katniss. I'll be back soon." I told him as I began to pack my things.

"Right." He nodded. "I'll let you know if anything terrible happens." I nodded and walked out with my things.

"Peeta." I said as I rushed down the stairs and opened the door. "Lets go."

As we stayed clear of any major streets to avoid peacekeepers, he asked a question. "What happened when the riots started?"

"Well, the peacekeepers kill at least 20 people, probably more." I told him. "I managed to save a lot though, and I used me being a victor to get me out of getting killed myself, though I got lashings anyway."

"How bad?" He asked.

"Pretty bad..." I sighed, slowing down slightly.

"Look, you won't to worry about that in the next two weeks." He said, brightening up the mood. "You'll have me, Katniss, Haymitch and Effie, and be sure Effie will welcome you greatly." I chuckled.

"Your good at this." I told him, with a small smile.

"At what?" He asked.

"Making people feel better." I answered as we neared the train.

"I suppose so." He smiled and grabbed my bag for me as we entered. Just like Peeta said, Effie was quite thrilled to have a better role model: were her words.

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