Chapter 20: Goodbye Snow

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Word Count: 1129

Later that night, I started to hear noises coming from down the tunnel. Katniss was awake and heard it too. We both went out to see what it was, but we saw nothing. We realised it was Mutts and we quickly began to make our way out. As we crawled through a tight wedge, the Mutts began to catch up. Katniss shot one of her explosive arrows and we kept moving until we reached a room with a ladder up. I managed to keep some of them off me until one pushed me into the water and held me down. Here I was, drowning again. I couldn't push it off as we had float under the platform and it's back was against it. I could swim under because my back was against the floor. I struggled, trying to find a way out of this, but there was nothing I could do. After almost a minute of struggling, the weight on top of me ceased. It died. Suddenly, I was pulled out from under the platform but Peeta. He grabbed me and helped me get up the ladder first. Once I got up, he followed right behind me. I was violently coughing as I had inhaled some water. Peeta came over to me and put a hand on my back as the coughing slowly ceased. My throat hurt to much for me to say anything, but I mouthed the words: Thank you. He smiled and so did I.

Once Katniss got up, we left, but I noticed Finnick wasn't here yet. "Finnick?" I said with a raspy throat as I looked around.

"Finnick didn't make it." Katniss said. My heart dropped. We never talked much but he was such a great guy, and newly married. I don't wanna be the person to tell Annie, that's for sure.

We then made it into a much large area. Only to immeadiely get shot at by peacekeepers. The lights on the ceilings had beams that disintegrated anything that it touched. Once the stopped, the ground began to tear up with blades. We all made it through, but as we kept running, Peeta was on the ground holding his head. Katniss yelled for him to get up but he wouldn't budge. I ran over to him and pulled his head up.

"Peeta, look at me." I said in a quiet tone. His face met mine, I grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him briefly. "Stay with me."

"Always." He said, as if it were instinct.

Once we got out, Cressida led us to a place she said she knew. She led us to a boutique of sorts and when we all ran in, I saw who it was. I didn't have the words to say anything, I only stared in awe a the women I was so close with many years ago. "Your wearing the dress." She said to me.

"You asked me too." I said to her with a smile.

"You've grown up so much." She smiled and hugged me briefly. She then ushered us into a saferoom.

Later that night. A video from Snow began playing. He told any citizens over 1/2 mile outside the city circle to come to his mansion for shelter and safety. Katniss, Gale and I were going to head out the next morning.


Tigeris was giving us a form of disguise. She left me with my dress and put a large coat on me. Katniss and I hugged everyone goodbye. Then I gave Peeta the tightest hug I could, as his may be the last time I see him. I turned to Tigeris. "You do good out there, Y/n." She told me before I left. "I'll be watching."

We snuck into the crowd of moving people. We realised that the peacekeepers were checking under everyone's hoods, so we turned around, but they were behind us too. Suddenly, an explosion went off and shots were fired from all directions. We ran, trying to avoid as many bullets and explosions as possible. Gale was soon taken away and then it was just me and Katniss. Everything was so loud, the noises were echoing around in my head, I could barely focus. We watched as people passed forwards their children, but everyone became distracted once gifts were dropped from the sky. As they were almost in reachable distance, they all exploded. So many people were killed. Katniss and I saw Prim in the field of dead bodies, wearing a medic uniform. She noticed us too. But not for long. The 3rd and final explosion went off and Prim was no longer.

I woke up next to Katniss, my ears were dripping with blood like a tap. Effie soon led me too a room in the Presidential Palace that I was staying in. On the bed was the dress, freshy washed. I was worried I had lost it.

Later that day, Coin called for a meeting of all the remaining victors. "I have invited you all here for several reasons, but first, I have an announcement. I have taken the burden and the honour of declaring myself Interim President of Panem.

"Interim? Exactly how long is that interim?" Haymitch scoffed.

"We have no way of knowing for certain." She shook her head. "But it is clear that people are far to emotional right now to make a rational decision. We'll plan an election when the time is right. But i have called you here for a far more important vote. A symbolic vote. This afternoon, we will execute Snow. Hundreds of his accomplices also await their deaths. Capitol officials, Peacekeepers, tortures, Gamemakers. But the danger is, once we begin, the rebels will not stop calling for retribution. Thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy. So I offer an alternative plan. Majority of five may approve it. No one may abstain. The proposal is this. In lieu of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic Hunger Games."

"You wanna have another Hunger Games." Johanna laughed. "With the Capitol's children?"

"Your joking?" Peeta said.

"Not in the slightest." Coin answered.

"Is this Plutarch's idea?" Haymitch asked.

"It was mine." She replied. "It balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life. You may cast your votes."

Peeta said No

Johanna said Yes

Annie said No

Enobaria said Yes

Beetee said No.

Haymitch said Yes

Katniss said Yes

"There is something that needs to happen before snow is killed. It'll take 5 minutes tops. None of you will understand but it will all make sense to Snow. I'll say yes if you let me do this." I told Coin.

"Fine." She said.

There is was, the last Hunger Games is now upon us.

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