Chapter 16: The Dress

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Word Count: 1120

It was Peeta, though he was still playing the game. He'd never say those things, he's smarter than that. It was forced, I could tell.

Later that night, was the first night I'd sleep without Peeta. He kept my nightmares away, but I fear now that he's not here, they will come back worse. I fell asleep and dreamt I was back in the 72nd. I was getting held underwater by the female career from the 75th instead of the boy who had done it first. I felt the pressure come off from the back of my head, and I turned around to see Katniss, Peeta, my mother, Rue and even Tigeris. They were dead, limp, hanging in the tree's, swaying in the wind. Though, as I saw them, they all let out an ear piercing scream.

I woke up, coughing as if I was fresh out the water, almost drowned. I noticed blood on my pillow, and touched my ears, they were bleeding. Even in my dreams, they could stand the sound.


"Thank you, for agreeing to meet with Y/n and I." Katniss said as we were both standing in front of the table in the meeting room. President Coin and Plutarch were sitting in front of us. "I've decided I'll be your Mockingjay and Y/n has agreed to help. But we have some conditions." Katniss pulled out the list that we both had made earlier. "Peeta and the other tributes, Johanna Mason and Annie Cresta, will be rescued at the earliest opportunity. If and when Peeta is liberated, he will receive a full and unconditional pardon. No punishment will be inflicted." I wrote that last part. "And the same goes of the other tributes."

President Coin nodded. "No." She answered blankly.

"Its not their fault you abandoned them in the arena." Katniss replied. "They're doing and saying whatever they can to survive."

"Individuals don't make demands in 13." Coin responded. "Their will be a tribunal, and a fair judgement. Thank you."

"The Victors will be granted immunity." Katniss demanded sternly. "And you will announce that in front of the entire population of 13. You will hold yourself and your government responsible, or you will find another Mockingjay." I nodded in agreement.

"That's it. That's her. Right there." Plutarch interrupted. "Isn't that who I promised you? She wears the costume. Gunfire in the background. A hint of smoke. Our Mockingjay." Plutarch discussed with Coin. Plutarch managed to convince her to say yes.

"Do you have any other conditions?" Coin asked.

Katniss looked down at the paper. "My sister gets to keep her cat."


Coin gave her grand speech to the population of 13. Of course, everyone booing whenever they heard the words: Full pardon, Peeta and Mellark. It's great to know my boyfriend is hated by almost everyone in 13.


As we headed for a meal. We saw Effie sitting alone. "Effie?" Katniss exclaimed as she and I rushed up to her. We both have her a hug and sat down. "What are you doing here?" Katniss asked.

"I'm a political refugee." She answered.

"Plutarch rescued you?" Katniss asked again.

"Rescued, yes, that's what he calls It." She answered again. "The three of us were all in the dark. Now I'm condemned to this life of jumpsuits. Can you believe this place? I miss coffee. I never knew anyplace could be so strict. I mean, I thought at least in the higher ranks there'd be some side action. I miss my wigs. Luckily, I remembered that this was all the rage when I was coming up." Effie said, gesturing to her hair wrapped in a fabric. "You know, everything old can be made new again. Like democracy. Which brings me to this." She pulled out a black folder and put it on the table. Katniss opened it and saw sketches of outfits made for Katniss.

"Cinna..." She said as she saw them. "He's dead, isn't he?" Effie gave her a somber look.

"Yes, dear." She answered. "He made Plutarch promise not to show you this until you decided to be The Mockingjay on your own. He knew the risks. As we all do. He believed in this revolution. He believed in you."

"They're beautiful." Katniss said. I nodded as I looked at them as well.

"They have it." Effie said. "They have The Mockingjay outfit. There's not much of a prep team here in 13, but we will make you, the best-dressed rebel in history." Effie turned to me. "Don't worry, your not forgotten, Y/n. I got into contact with your older stylist, Tigeris." My eyes lit up. "She gave us an outfit for you. How she had one already prepared, I don't know, but it's here too."


While Katniss was shooting her propo, I was getting dressed into my outfit. I noticed it came with a letter from Tigeris.

It may not be suitable for war of any kind, but I've kept great care of it over the years. You must wear it if you will be seen by Snow, you may not understand now, but you will one day. Remember the songs I showed you, the ones from the girl in the 10th Hunger Games. This was her dress. If you get close enough, if Snow isn't listening to you, sing them. He will listen then.

P.s. Make sure you wear the brown boots.

I opened the box the dress was in, once I saw It, I realised how old it was. It was in great condition but I could easily tell that it had to have been around for the past 70-80 years. The dress had a whiteish- grey undershirt, and a light yellowish beige coset with embordered flowers. The bottom went down to the mid calf and began with a light purple at the top, which went into yellow, orange, red and then brown. The dress had a light coloured lining underneath and the outside was in a sort of frilled pattern.

The dress reminded me of the story Tigeris told me. Lucy Gray had a seemingly rainbow dress, with embordered flowers on the corset. Is this the reason why I have to wear it for snow to see? I'm not sure, but I put it on and met everyone in the meeting room.

"Oh, Y/n, dear you look wonderful." Effie told me as she brought me in for a hug. Haymitch sent me a playful wink and I chuckled as I sat down and watch the propo. It was terrible, and forced, and just bad in general. We all brainstormed and realised that, if we put her out on the battle field, she can say something real.

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