Chapter 13: After the games

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Word Count: 508

I woke up with an oxygen mask on, next to Beetee. Katniss was standing up with a needle in her hand. She noticed I was up and waved for me to come with her. I got up slowly and walked over. We heard voices through the door.

"They're gonna lose it when she finds out about the boy." I heard Haymitch say.

"They'll still cooperate, though?" I heard Plutarch ask.

"Without Peeta? There's no guarantee." Haymitch answered.

The door opened as Finnick began to speak.

"Morning, Sweethearts." Haymitch said as he walked over. Katniss lunged at him as I stayed still, watching it go down. I still trusted Finnick, I've known him longer.

"What are you doing with them?" She wheezed as Haymitch pushed her up against the wall.

"You and a syringe, up against the capitol." Haymitch took it from her hands. "See, this is why no one lets you make the plans."

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Katniss asked Finnick.

"Stop, stop. Just listen." He told her.

"We couldn't tell you with Snow watching. It was too risky." Haymitch said. "Better for you to know nothing."

"Where's Peeta?" She asked as she glanced to me and I nodded.

"Now, ladies. You two have been our mission from the beginning. The plan was always to get you out." Plutarch said to the both of us. "Half the tributes were in on it. This is the revolution and you are the Mockingjay." He said the last part specifically to Katniss. "And were on our way to district 13 right now."

"13?" Katniss asked. "Where's Peeta?"

"He still has his tracker in his arm." Haymitch said. "Johanna cut the both of yours out."

"Where is he?" She asked again.

"In the Capitol." Haymitch answered. "They got him, and Johanna."

I was angry, so was Katniss. She looked at me as I stared as Haymitch. "Say something, Y/n." Haymitch told me as he came closer. "You haven't said a thing this entire time."

"She hasn't spoken since the Jabberjay's." Finnick answered for me. "Whether she can't or doesn't want too, I'm guessing it's since her ears are damaged."

"Can you?" Haymitch asked me and I nodded. "What's wrong with your ears?" He asked again, I gave him a look of how am I supposed to answer that. In which Plutarch handed me paper and a pen. I wrote:

My ears still hurt, I'm sure it'll go away. Though, I'm hearing everyone and everyone so much louder than it actually is. I whispered to Peeta in the games. He could barely hear me, though I heard myself speaking normally. I didn't lose my hearing, now I'm just hearing too much. I can handle people talking, but I have to cover my ears when someone raises their voice. So, I'm just not going to talk unless there is something I desperately need to say.

Haymitch and Plutarch nodded as they read the note. "I'll try to keep my voice down, and stick to yes and no questions."

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