Chapter 21: Is this really The End?

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Word Count: 856

*There's no way I can write this without it being cringe. I hate song fics, but here we are anyway.*

We all entered the long runway which the chariots used to go down for the Games. We were nearing the end of Coins speech.

"But before we get to that. We have a very special performance from one of our own. This performance is personal to President Snow and will be the last performance he watches." She said as she finishes.

*The song is: Lucy Gray (Part 2) from TBOSAS*

I emerged from the crowd of rebels. The dress was finally serving it's purpose. I had a microphone in hand as I slowly walked out.

"The storm came on before it's time." I saw President Snows face drop when he saw me.

"She wandered up and down."

"And many a-hill did Lucy climb." He seemed to cringe when he heard her name.

"But never reached the town."

"The wretched parents all that night."

"Went shouting far and wide."

"But there was neither sound nor sight."

"To serve them as a guide." I slowly inched closer, staring him down as I sang. I could see the look on his face as the last memories he would remember are the ones of Lucy Gray.

"At daybreak, on a hill, they stood."

"That overlooked the scene."

"And thence, they saw the bridge of wood."

"That spanned a deep ravine."

"They wept and, turning homeward cried."

""In Heaven, we all shall meet.""

"When, in the snow, the mother spied."

"The print of Lucy's feet."

"Then, downwards, from the steep hill's edge."

"They tracked the footmarks small."

"And through the broken hawthorn hedge."

"And by the long stone wall."

"And then, an open field, they crossed ."

"The marks were still the same."

"They tracked the on, not ever lost."

"And to the bridge, they came."

"They followed from the snowy bank."

"Those footmarks, one by one."

"Into the middle of the plank."

"And further, there were none."

"Yet some maintain that, to this day."

"She is a living child."

"That you may see sweet Lucy Gray."

"Upon the lonesome wild."

"O'er rough and smooth, she trips along."

"And never looks behind."

"And sings a solitary song." At this point, I was right in front of him.

"That whistles in the wind."

I could see a tear roll down his face. "Miss Everdeen embodies the qualities of the Mockingjay, but you are the Songbird." He paused for a moment. "How did you know?"

"A lady, who resembles a Tiger had given me the dress, told me the stories and played me the songs." I told him. His face came to understand.

"Tell her, 'Corio apologies'." I nodded and said my final words to him.

"I'm sorry you were misguided by the people around you, Coriolanus." I said. "I hope you find, Sejanus Plinth. You may need to apologise to him as well."


As Katniss drew her bow, she hesitated and killed Coin instead. She was taken away as the rebels killed Snow themselves. I was waiting outside while Haymitch was talking to her. Katniss and I were heading back to 12, hopefully forever.

"I couldn't let you go without a proper goodbye." Effie said as we headed for the train. "It's your job to take care of yourselves now." She told us. "Promise me you'll find it."

"Find what?" Katniss asked.

"The life of a Victor." She answered.

"Goodbye, Effie." Katniss said.

"Goodbye, my girl." They hugged, then Effie looked to me.

"Ugh, our time was too short together, dear." She said as she hugged me.

"I know." I chuckled and hugged her back.


Once I arrived, I saw my mother sitting out on one of the porches of the houses. "You have been gone! No note! No call! Then I see you now, almost a year later!"

"I'm sorry, but we're free now." I pleaded with her.

"I heard." She nodded. "I heard your singing too." I chuckled as I bid her goodbye and entered Peeta's house. He still wasn't here


One day, I walked back into Peeta's house after going for a walk. I immediately smelled freshly baked goods. I was very confused and walked into the kitchen. There he was, baking, without a care in the world.

"Peeta?" I exclaimed as I got a good look at him. His hair was nice, it looked washed.

"Hey, I was just baking some things for us." He answered with a smile.

"Oh, Peeta." I huffed as I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I could. I kissed him long and lovingly.

That night, I was finally able to sleep in peace. Knowing Peeta was right beside me.


Eventually, Katniss had left for District 2 to be with Gale. She says that "third wheeling isn't my thing".

Peeta and I stayed here and started a family. We couldn't be happier. I just hope to tell my kids our story one day. But not just my story, but also the story of Lucy Gray Baird. But is this really the end?

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