Chapter 12: The 75th annual Hunger Games Part 2

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Word Count: 2049

Later on, we were eating fish Finnick had speared from the water. Peeta on the other hand, was cutting into a clam of sorts. Once he opened it he pulled out a black shiny pearl. "Look, for you." He dropped it into my hand with a smile.

"Thank you." I replied with a small smirk. I was going to keep it forever. If I could find somewhere to put it. Not long after, we began to hear high pitched screaming.

"That's new." Peeta said as he stood up. Along with the rest of us. We watched as a large tsunami went through one of the sectors. We heard a canon fire as the tsunami ceased.

"Someone's here." Katniss blurted as she swiftly pulled an arrow out and drew her bow. We all crouched and watched as Johanna, Beetee and Wiress came out of the sector next to us, covered in blood. Finnick ran over and yelled to her, which she also did in response.

"Guess we have more allies." Peeta said as I began to walk over. Peet and Katniss following behind me. Turns out Johanna, Beetee and Wireless were caught in blood rain. Wireless kept saying ticktock over and over again and I could visibly see how annoyed Johanna was getting.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked as Beetee emerged from the water.

"She's in shock." He answered.

Johanna and Katniss almost had a fight first thing and Finnick broke it up. I then went over to Wiress and offered to help her get cleaned up since she was very dissociative.

"Ticktock." She said to me.

"Ticktock." I nodded and replied. She soon calmed down once I began washing her hair. Though she started up again with a gasp.

"Ticktock!" She yelled.

"All right, I can't." Johanna sighed. "Just...have fun with Nuts." She began to walk off. We all noticed how the large tree on the other side of the arena was getting struck by lighting again, in the day this time.

"Ticktock." Wireless said quieter to me.

"Ticktock." I said as I looked around at the arena more. "It's a clock. Its a clock!" I looked down to Wireless again. "God, Wiress you are a genius!"


We all began walking to the cornucopia. "The arena is laid out like a clock, with a new threat every hour, though they only stay in their wedge. It starts with the lightning, then the blood rain, fog, monkeys. That's the first 4 hours. At 10, the wave hits."

We were all working out what happened and where, when Wiress's annoying singing stopped with a gasp. We looked over and saw a male career stabbing her in the back. Katniss shot him in the chest. Then the female career, the one that tried drowning me, came towards Johanna. She threw an axe into her chest. I grabbed a spear from in the cornucopia to defend myself. I saw Katniss and Johanna run out, following another career. Suddenly, the cornucopia began to spin. We all tried to hold on, but Katniss and I spun into the water. We managed to get up onto the side, though we were coughing and spitting up water. Peeta and Johanna walked over, helping us up.


We made it too the beach again and figured out a game plan. During this, screams were heard from inside the forest. "Prim!?" Katniss yelled and ran, following the voice. I followed after her.

"Katniss, wait!" I yelled as she stopped. She noticed a bird flying around her and shot it down, the screaming ceased. Though I didn't see this as I was turned to Finnick who was following us too. More screaming was heard. "Annie!?" He yelled and ran towards the sound, as me and Katniss followed.

"It's a Jabberjay, Finnick!" Katniss told him.

"How do you think they got that sound? Jabberjay's copy." He answered as Gale's screaming was heard. Not long after, I heard my mothers.

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