Chapter 24

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The room turns into utter silence as Mr. Romano announces my name. Mr Romano is our family's trusted lawyer. It's the reading of the will today. I don't feel I exist in the same room. My head is dizzy with lack of sleep.

My emotions about killing Angelo have subsided. Yet, he'll get killed sooner or later. Just not today.
Yesterday Gio asserted he'll kill Angelo after reading the will. This morning, I told him not to. It occurs that Gio never planned to kill him. He didn't deserve an easy death. He was going to torture him until Angelo would tell the mastermind behind Nonna's death. We don't know who his boss is. For the safety of our families, we need him to spill the beans.

Last night after Dominic and I had shower scenes I washed and went to bed. Yet, sleep never braced me and when I thought I had slept, nightmares haunted me waking me up from slumber sweating, screaming and yelling. I didn't know how Dominic got in my room or maybe he always was. He held me close to his beating heart whispering sweet nothings in my ear until I was calm. Lately, he's morphing into something I rely on and I am starting to like that which is dangerous territory.

Last night wasn't the first time I had nightmares. I had them ever since I was a child but then with proper therapy and medication, they stopped. Now, it seems like they are rising again.

Dominic is now aware of another of my secrets. Still, he doesn't know I'm hiding the ugly truth on my back, the remnants of the past. That doesn't make me feel better.

Squeezing of my hand has me snapping back in the present moment. I scowl looking down at the muscular hand swallowing my dainty one. Dominic squeezes again colliding his eyes with mine the question evident in his blue orbs. He reads me again. Past few days I've discerned Dominic loves to communicate with his eyes.

"Liliana?" Mr. Romano's voice sliced through us forcing me to focus on him.
"Yes," my voice is weak even to my ears.
"You have twenty-five per cent shares of her business."
"I... Okay." I don't know what to say so I don't speak much.
"Also, the heritage villa is yours."

Heritage villa.
Nonna's house.
Flabbergasted I watch the lawyer unable to find my voice. A chill gallops down my spine freezing my bones. All eyes are on me. Two pairs of which are impeaching. If looks could kill I would be six feet under just like Nonna.

"Liliana dear," Mom's voice reaches me.
That's the first question I have in my mind. I'm grateful for Nonna yet the villa belongs to the De Luca family and even though I had my name as De Luca I will always be an outsider. Adopted.
"That I cannot answer child. It was her will." His voice is loud and clear every single word echoing in my ears.

Before I could digest the news Aunt Gabriella snaps in.

"How could she?" She glares at me, her perfectly manicured finger pointing in my direction accusing "She, doesn't belong to this family! She doesn't have De Luca's blood inside her veins. I would have appreciated it if Madre didn't give me the villa but at least she could have passed it on to her Grandson! But, her? Are you not going to do anything brother?" She's fuming yet Dad is calm.

"I'm sure Madre have made the right decision." He looks at me his eyes twinkling with pride.

"It's in the safest hands Aunt," Giovanni announces smiles winking at me.

"This is our home. She is an outsider." She argues further.
"She became one of us the moment I got her home," Dad speaks further.
"This is so frustrating. First, she gets twenty-five per cent shares while I and my daughter get ten. Then she snatches our home. The very home I grew up in. Are you happy now? See what you have done? I was right about you the moment you stepped in this house, you gold digger."

Tainted Vows | Book 1 'Til Death Do Us Part Duet | Mafia Romance | 18+Where stories live. Discover now