Chapter I

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Hello Kittens,
I hope everyone is healthy and safe wherever you are.
May God be with you.
Lot's of bad things are happening around the world and it breaks my heart to see people are devastated. In these tough times, I want you to stay strong for yourself and for your loved ones.
Let's get through this together.
Stay strong, stay safe.
With that being said jump into Chapter 1. *nervous*



"I want Liliana and you to get married."


That name. It glides perfectly on my tongue. Like it was created for me to taste.

My blood froze.

No. It roared. It growled.

The storm brewed inside. Thunder exploring. Memories clashing.

Years of agony simmered slamming on my shore. Red hot fury blinded me. The fucking bastard. What the fuck is he up to?

Blue eyes flashed before me. Her laughter echoed in my ears.
Haunting me. It had been haunting me for years.

He is looking at me, waiting for a reaction. Gritting my teeth I waited too.
The air twisted around us. I stared at him. If he flinched by my stare he didn't display it. That's how we were trained since the beginning. Since we learn to take our goddamn first step. His face continued to be stoic and hard. Like mine.

My gut told me he was hiding something. Why slaughter the lamb when you could just protect her? But the person he was talking about was no lamb.

I knew her. The rich spoiled brat she was.

I felt the fury soaring. The need to kill burned inside me.
I craved to smash something.

"Why?" I throw the question. Dad inhales sharply as if he knows the question is meant for him. After everything how could he do this to me. To her.

"You are questioning me, boy?" He tilted his head, his lips curling in a smug. He was taunting me.

"Why sacrifice her?" I said in a nonchalant manner.

"Careful, " Giovanni warned.
I smirked at his tone. He was getting riled up. Good.

"What makes you think this arrangement will bring power. I mean 'SHE' isn't your own blood."

Roberto stilled. Just for a second.

"She became De Luca the moment she entered my life." I heard the silent menace.

"But marriage?" I wanted to know the reason behind this ordeal.

Shaking his head he continued, "as I said, our nemesis is on the rise."

So, we are back to square one.

"Is she aware? "

Valentina De Luca, the widow of late Capo. Roberto's mother. History confides she was a killer in her old times. I mean killer not in the looks, oh yeah she was and is beautiful but she actually killed. Slaughtered.

"It was Madre's decision." Dad fills in.
Everyone honours the decision of The Elder. She is the last person from both the families to be old and wise. No one and I mean no one will go against her. Or her verdicts.

I opened my mouth but halted in the middle. I heard her. Her laughter. She is laughing. 

All the notions of The Elder fled out of the window. My nostrils flared. It should have been her laughing, not this leech. I couldn't see her but I knew it's her.

How dare she laughed so freely?
While she lay six feet beneath in the cold ground.
All alone.
All scared.

My blood boiled an octave high. Her voice was mocking me. Her rich laugh felt like a punch to my gut. And all I want to do is rip that smile off from her face. How could she be happy?

She didn't deserve to be happy.
I want to see her crying, bellowing. I want to see her asking for mercy.

No. I want her to beg for mercy.

I saw red. It clouded my vision. At that moment, my mind made the decision.

"I agree with this proposal," I announced.

"So easily?" Giovanni asked. His eyes filled with suspicion.

I lifted a shoulder in a shrug, "at least alliance will bring more power to both the families."
Giovanni scoffs.

I turned towards Capo he hasn't spoken yet. Dad is silent too. Capo is studying me. Calculating me.

He nodded. His eyes stern.
"We will have the marriage here in a month."

He rose from his seat Giovanni following his suit before throwing a glare in my direction.

Dad stood joining the audience. I stayed rooted in my seat. Instead of the blue sea ahead, I saw red. I could hear them talk. I could hear her talk.

Rising from the chair I adjusted the suit jacket. Turning, I froze on my step.

She has grown. She has filled in. At least the sight of her plump ass tells me. The fabric of her summer dress fitted that round ass flowing down just above her knees. Yet, her figure is slim. Her brown hair flowed gracefully reaching her mid-back, wind teasing the brown ends.

She shifted her weight on the other foot. I felt my lips tugging up in a smirk. She knew someone is watching her. Her body is aware. I like the way her body responds in my presence.

Wait what?
What the fuck am I thinking?

I cross the distance standing in front of her beside Dad.

Brown hazel eyes met mine. A button nose perked up descending to full pink lips. Brown short rogue hair strands fanned across her face. My fingers itched to hold that slender neck. I wanted to choke her. Crumble her like porcelain. Her dress hugs her breasts not too tight nor loose. As always she is wearing a dress that hides the skin underneath covering everything up till the neck.

A fucking high collar summer dress.

Swell of her waist deepens curving out on the hips. Her tanned legs on display. Slim, long legs. My groin tightened as I imagined those legs wrapped around me while I....

Dammit. What was wrong with me?

I agreed to marry her for a whole different reason and here I am lusting over her.
Shame filled in, creeping in the veins, thawing in the blood, morphing into a rage.

Her eyes snapped up to meet mine.
A silent gasp left from her pink lips. Her eyes widening in recognition. Fear embedded those brown orbs. My smirk thrived. My animal now satisfied with the display of fear. He bellowed inside.
That's exactly what my animal wanted right now.
Hunger for fear.

I saw it in her eyes. Felt the shiver in her body. My animal lived on the fucking fear. Smelling it. Tasting it. Fucking devouring it.

She looked between me and Dad. I'm guessing she put the two and two together.

Today was my lucky day, to say the least.  She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here.

My brain raced for the plan. The future plans I had for her. This was going to be interesting.

The devil inside roared in triumph.
She will run.
And I will hunt her.
The chase, the game had begun.

Run little flower, run. Because once I found you I will enjoy the ruins.
I'll have pleasure in plucking your petals.
I will have fun in breaking her for what she had broken mine.

I'm nervous.
I'm jumpy.
I'm freaking out.
I don't know if you'll like this story. I don't know! But I wanna write. So, here I am blabbering.
I'm not a professional writer.
Writing is my hobby. It's a different world, where I escape from reality. It's my safe heaven.
Comment and tell me about the first chapter.
I cannot wait to introduce you to my heroine. Oh, she is such an angel. But let me warn you she have her dark side too.

Tainted Vows | Book 1 'Til Death Do Us Part Duet | Mafia Romance | 18+Where stories live. Discover now