Chapter 11

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Hello kittens,
How are ya'll?
I hope everyone is healthy.
Here's our heroine Liliana.
P.S. I made the above edit 😃


"I'm coming for you." He yelled.

I remained hidden in my usual spot in the closet. He won't find me. Since he didn't know there is a closet here. I giggled clamping a hand on my mouth realizing he was going to lose.

I peeked from the narrow crack of the closets door. No one was in the room, so I was safe. For now at least. I wasn't allowed in this part of the castle. No one was. Master was not at home, thus it was a good chance to play hide and seek. If he ever found out .... no no. I shook my head convincing myself he wouldn't know. Because no one will dare to tell him.

"Wherrree areeee youu?" He was singing in a scary voice to frighten me.
Nope. I wasn't frightened. Not a teeny little bit.
"Lili, are you in here?" He paused at the door. I could see his hand lifting to push the door yet, he didn't. He sighed muttering to himself dropping his hand disappearing from my sight.
He was too scared to come in here.

I got out of the closet cringing at the sound of the door.
Creepy closet.
I looked around the room. It was old and dusty as if not a single soul visited in this part of the castle for years. There was a single bed in the room beside the creepy closet. I walked towards the empty canopy bed. Faded sheets draped from the canopy touching on the ground.

Peeling the sheets I came to stand near an empty bed. Pale yellow sheets covered the bed in a tangled mess. My brows furrowed in confusion, who would stay in a dusty and filthy room like this one. The bedside table had two joined photo frames. I walked near them. Both the frames were antique in gold trimmings. They looked old and rusty. The dust had settled on the portrait so I cleaned it with the sheets on the bed. I gasped as my eyes clashed with the hazels. It wasn't possible. No, it couldn't be. Beside her Master stood. He looked so young in the picture. He was smiling too. I've never seen Master smiling. The woman looked like a princess in the white gown. I assume it was their wedding photo. The woman's smile was radiant. She looked happy. I couldn't recognize her though.

In the other picture she looked happy but her eyes, they were sad. Her eyes portrayed misery and torment. Master stood beside her. His hand resting on her shoulder as in the other picture. I couldn't understand why would anyone keep two same photographs instead of one.

Keeping the photograph back on its original place, I turned to go. However, my feet got tangled up in the sheets lying beside the bed causing me to fall on the floor. Rubbing my knees I got up taking the heavy sheets in my wee little hands wanting to place them on the bed. But my actions halted in the midway. I gasped at what I saw on the bed. It made my stomach queasy. Bile rose in my throat and I forced myself to swallow it. My gaze followed across the sheets draped on the other side of the bed. The horrid message followed there too. It looked angry as if someone forcefully laid it there. The marks were faded but it was there. Lingering on the sheets. Whatever happened in the past in this room it resided. It never left. The faint whispers, the hushed rumours these walls have uttered might be all true after all.

Now I realized why I shouldn't be here. The master kept this wing a secret for a good reason. Quickly disposing of the blankets on the bed I turned. No one will find out I was here. I have to keep my mouth shut. I had to run back before he could catch me. Slowly, walking on my tiptoes I stepped out of the room before checking the corridors. At this time of the day, it was empty. Everyone must be busy.

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