Chapter 9

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Hello Kittens,
How are you'll?
I know I didn't update last week. Sorry about that. I had got some personal issues. And when I get those I tend to lose the inspiration.

Anyways, Happy Diwali.
✨ ✨ ✨
Here's another of Dom's.


Gulping the whiskey I slammed the glass on the counter. The spirit left a burning sensation in my throat yet the taste had me wanting for more. Like an addiction. An obsession.

The bartender refilled my glass. Swirling the contents of the poured neat whiskey I brought the glass to my lips savouring the taste.

"Creating a scene at your engagement party?" He smirked. Fucking bastard.
"Whiskey. Neat." He ordered settling on the stool. 
"I'm not the only one who's getting engaged." I delivered smugly.

Giovanni's dark eyes narrowed into slits. If looks could kill, I'll be ten feet under the cold hard ground.
I can see him snapping at any moment yet like every single fucking time I comprehended his control. I had known him better than anyone and vice-versa. He is the calmness that arrived before the calamity.

"Don't overdrink, " he said gruffly downing in his glass of whiskey.
"Aww, if I'm not mistaken anyone would take it you are caring for me." I snickered.
"As if, " he scoffed.
"Then I suggest you mind your own damn business, " I spat.
"My business is to ensure that my brother in law does not get drunk tonight and embarrass my little sister." He spat.
Brother in law? The title had my throat constricting.
"Stepsister you mean, " my gaze clashed with his. I saw a glimpse of it and it disappeared like that of a bullet.
"Say that again, I dare you," he warned his hold tightening on the glass. 
I grinned. Oh, I knew I just poked a sleeping panther and I fucking loved it. I knew how to push his buttons.
"I'm not in the mood to say it again, " I shrugged nonchalantly sipping the whiskey.

He glared at me. I returned the favour. I didn't waver neither did he. The standoff dragged with the music and the people around us. I know it was wrong of me to point it out. But the bastard that I am I didn't give a flying fuck. The standoff recalled the memories of the past. The good old times. I saw he recognised them too. Now gone with the whisk. Vanished into thin air along with her.

"He isn't coming?" Giovanni implored.
I shrugged.
"What does that mean?"
"What does it look like?" I challenged.
"Is he coming or not?"
Why was the bastard so much interested to know his presence?
"I don't know, " I sipped the whiskey.
Honestly, when I had texted him the fucker didn't even text me back. Always acting his mighty self.
"That means he is into hiding." Giovanni didn't ask. He supplied.
"You keeping tabs on us?"
Giovanni smirked gulping the whiskey. I glared at Giovanni. Seemed like the bastard is keeping tabs on our move.

"Hey handsome, " a sultry voice snapped me rendering me blink.
Giovanni groaned.
"Hello to you too, brother, " the sultress said to Giovanni.
"Brother?" I quizzed.
"Cousin, " he said ignoring her.
"Name's Caterina. Caterina Romano. My pleasure for meeting you, Dominic Marcello." She traced a perfectly manicured red-painted nail over my bicep.
"For someone like you, you are daring enough to utter the name of the King." I'm not surprised by her actions. It's people like her who needed their places to know and her's didn't fit on my arm. I smelled the leech in her the moment she spoke to me. They were hungry for more. Always for more. Greedy bitches.
Giovanni didn't even falter by her actions as if he saw what was coming.

She chuckled pushing her body close to mine. To say the least she is dressed scandalously. The scarlet dress owing no imagination. Her breasts pushed up, as she sensuously rubbed her palm over my arm. It didn't affect me. Rather I wanted to cut her hand simply because no one would dare to do such a thing. Besides, I wanted to see the reaction of the man whose sister, step-sister is my fiance. However, he was calm as always.

Tainted Vows | Book 1 'Til Death Do Us Part Duet | Mafia Romance | 18+Where stories live. Discover now