Chapter 29

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A scream rips my ears.

My eyes fly open.

My first instinct is to kill.

I grab the gun from underneath the bed load it and take the stance. I scan the room in the dim moonlight and it is empty.
No intruders.
Another scream breaks the silence in the night. My head snaps in its direction, in Liliana's direction. 
Discarding the gun I turn on the table lamp unveiling the scene in front of me.
I gulp.
My heart beats frantically, goosebumps and chill emerge on my body. There's a sudden agony in my heart as if someone is twisting a knife through it.
She's sweating, her forehead beaded in sweat and her body drenched in it. Her body shakes, and her fists grasp tightly onto the bedsheets.

"Liliana," I call her squatting on the bed.
I tap her cheek, it's cold. I touch her forehead she is colder than usual. I grab her shoulders shaking her sleeping form.

"Little flower, wake up." My voice fails me. I shake her shoulders more wildly.
"Lilianaaa, get up dammit." She cries and sobs and wails all at once.
I feel powerless.
She shrieks another scream and my insides shatter.
"No no no please, please don't hurt him," she sobs.
"I'll....I'll do anything, master, please." Her screams echo in my ears.
She thrashes her arms beating the bedsheets. I try to hold her but to my disappointment, I can't grasp her.

"Liliana, hey it's a nightmare." I try to cajole her.

"Don't touch him," she slaps me. I freeze for a moment my brain comprehending the situation. She is having a nightmare I convince myself.
"Don't hurt him," she pleads tears streaming down her face.
"Please don't hurt him. Please don't hurt Alex." I freeze.


She cries over and over saying the same thing.
Who's the master?
Who's the Alex she's speaking of?

"I'll, I'll behave. I...I won't go into the fo...forbi...dden room" she gulps "I pro..promise." She is stammering and stuttering. 
I feel so vulnerable and incapable. I'm beside her yet I can't do one fucking thing to break her out of her mind.
"Leave Alex. Leave him be." She yells thrusting her hands in the air as if to hurt someone.

Finally, I grab her hands and her eyes fly open. A breath of relief washes over me. It's over. My heart calms.
However, it doesn't last long. My relief extinguishes the moment I gaze into her brown eyes.
They are void.
Full of horror.
Liliana is still trapped inside the nightmare.

"Liliana, baby it's a nightmare. I'm here, shh, shhh," I fastened her hands behind my back hugging her tightly rocking her back and forth mumbling sweet words in her ears hoping she would calm down, hoping I could reach her. However, the onslaught isn't finished.

Liliana pushes me away trying to free herself from my arms but I hold her tight and secure despite her beating my back with all her might with her tiny fists.


I wince when she scratches my back. No wonder tomorrow my back will be covered in bruises and scratches. I sense the deep gashes with warm liquid oozing out.
Yet, I hold her in my arms consoling her. They don't hurt as much as she's hurting.
"Shhh, shhh, shhh, I'm here little flower." I gulp unable to stop her. Unable to do anything for her. Frustration and desperation have me caged.

"I'm here, I'm here." I continue the words of solace over and over.
"Shhh, it's alright."

I don't know how much time has elapsed but eventually, her cries turn into sobs and her breathing returns to normal.
I hold her tightly not letting her go even for a second. She collapses against me her cheek flat to my chest. Her forehead creases as if she's still fighting with her demons. I smooth the lines and kiss her forehead.

Tainted Vows | Book 1 'Til Death Do Us Part Duet | Mafia Romance | 18+Where stories live. Discover now