A normal day for the team Tikky.

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Mouse was getting ready to go out and meet whit her father and to explore more the town tortuga.

Corto like usualy was sleepying in her hamak dreaming about her favorite feed.(her favorite food is like seafood idr its name)

And Enky was working on trying to bring maroros some news updates for the upcoming race.

As mouse was ready to leve Manta and his team burged inside theyr place looking a little paniked.

Enky" Oh god-" he sayd droping some stuff on the floor.

Corto"what tha-?" She screamed as she falled off her hamak falling onto the ground.And Oro getting out of cortos mittens."What in the mother-?!" He asked floating in the air.

Mouse" You dont know how to knock!?" She asked anoyed.

Manta" Corto wake up! We have a big problem." Manta warned her, him himself filling a littel worryed.

"Whats the problem?" Corto asked now herself being a littel worryed how she never saw manta ever being worryed or paniked about something.

Manta" Do you remember thouse bigspiders we had to race thou wen we were in Whales competition?" He asked them.

Corto" Um yea whatabout them...?" Sheasked confused and also curious not understanding why manta was so worryed.

Thenall of the felt a small earthquacke happen shaking the place a little.

Manta" Well it looks like here are some of thouse spiders too!" He say holding onto the walls.

"What!?" Asked mouse almoust screaming.

"Really!? Thats facinating!" Enky sayd having some sparkels in his eyes fellinffacinate how he didnt knew thouse spiders also lived on this island.

Corto" What!? How about the others? Do they know about this to?" She asked worryed.

Shino" Yeah we warned them all already." He responded in his usual monotone and bored voice and expression.

Dabbie" Yes and i warned the people from the island in my blog." She screamed fellingscared clinging on mantas side.

Corto" Whait but why are we worrying? Arent thouse spiders living in cramped spaces usualy?" She asked coñfused getting up from the floor.

Enky" Yes they actually do in most cases but its werryrare wen they get out of theyr confort place even wen searching for food...something is wrong.." Enky sayd holding his chin thinking on the reason.

Mouse" Well whatever the reason is, why isnt the queen doing anything? Dosnt she run this place?" She sayd anoyed and worryed for the people outside and her father.

Shino" I think she did. I am not sure thou." He responded emotioneslly.

Corto" So whats gona happen next? Will they still hold the race or are they gona keep the hole place in lockdown till the spiders are gone?" She asked worryed.

Manta" Idk Corto but lets hope it wont take long." He answered.

Mouse" Why but whydid you guys come here anyweys?" She asked curious and confused.

Dabbie" Well lets just say we were fallowed by two giant spiders and we neded a place to hide in." She sayd a little emberassed crouching downa little bit.

Shino" And thouse spiders also destroyed our drone wen we tryed fighting back so we cant really defend ourselfs." He sayd sheuging from his sholders.

Manto" So do youguys think we can stay here till thespiders are gone?" He asked, felling emberassed he asked about this.

Mouse" What!? You three litterly showed the spiders were we are!" She shouted as she runned to cheek outside for more giant spiders throu the window.

Corto" Oh a sure,make yourself at home..?" She agreed felling a little akward how she never thought much about it.

Enky" You guys stay here i go to do some reaserch to see how much time thiss will take." Enky told them as he grabbed his thinks and rushed into his room.


This is after 2 hours.

Cortoand manta were playing some videogames bumping into eachothers anoyed trying to make the other one lose the game.

Shino was on the chouth guietly reading a book bored.

Dabbie was on her social media scrollingthou ghostagram( idont remember the exact name of the platform)

Enky was in his room still doing the reasarch.while Mouse was on her computer texting whit her dad to see if he was alright him and his ship.

While oro was relaxing into his little hamak falling asleep.

Then all of the felt a small earthquack making the hole place togheter whit them to shake and for some things to fall of theyr place.

Corto and manta thanks to the fapt they were bumping into eachother during the earthguake the two falled off the chouth corto on top of manta while manta holded her by her waist.

Enky" Are youall alright!?" He asked as he entred the living room worryed.

Shino gived a small nod as he was holding himself onto the chouth and dabbie noded as she got up from the floor.

Corto and manta blushed wen they saw the possision they were inand fast both of the got up from the floor and responded to enky.

"Yes all fine enky!" Corto responded a little bit flustered.

"Yep all good." Manta responded as he brushed himself a little flustered.

Mouse then bursed into the room worryed.

"Are youall alright-?" She asked before she was cuted of by the massive screen that apeared into the middel of the room.

It was an immage of whale and the Queen.

Whale" Evrebody from torgua, this is a warning. How evreone knows some massive spiders started apearing into the town of tortuga, the problem is handed by the royal guards and authorothies." He sayd worryed.

Queen" But the town still will be in lockdown beacouse we dont know how much time it will take to get rid of the spiders." She anounced on a cold and reasuring tone.

Whale:" Till futhure information evrebody will be asked tostay inside, we will send food and basic needs to you people throu some drones so nobody will be neded to get out of house. And if you fell an earthuake turn off all the lights and electronics in the house and hide making sure no spider is seeing you." He sayd felling worryed.

Queen" But i can guarantee you all, as your queen i will be sure to keep evrething in pace and get rid of the spiders as fast as possibal." She reasured whit a small smile.

Whale" Thats right dear Scarllet, but till evrething calms down there will be no races for thouse who are in the competition. Evreone staysafe and sound." He anounced and then the screen turned off disapearing.


So this is all for now, hope you guys liked it, and if you did anounce me if you whole like me to make more parts or to continue whit the series.

Dont forget to rate and cooment on it.

Have a good day/night, and i hope you enjoied the last 24 hours!!!😊😊


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