The lock down.

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All of them looked blankley were the screen used to be.

"What do you mean the new coming races wont be capabal to continue!?" Both Corto and manta screamed as they looked angerly and anoyed.

Mouse" Camd down guys, i am sure it wont take this long till they will relove the problem. Till then lets just calm down." She sayd a littel relived that evrething was gona be fine.

Corto" Wont take long? Then how long will it take, i am sure by then i willeven forget hiw todrive a drone!" She sayd anoyed.

Manta" The longer it take the longer i have to wait to kick Pavels butt..." He mutered anoyed crossing his arms against his chest.

Shino" Eh i think its a good thing actually. Now we can actually start relaxing." He sayd as he streched and layed back down on the chouth whit a small smile plastered on his face.

Dabbie" Eh i dont actually mind itthat much, i am just anoyed that we cant post more thinks on cocial media..." She pouted as she layed back down on a chair in the kitchen.

Enky" Actually iam agreeing whit shino, now we can finally relax a little." He sayd smilling as he strech.
"I am .... going to text flora, call me if you need anything!" He sayd blushing slightly as he fastly went to grab his phone.

Manta" Um...Corto? How much well waitdo you wana continue the game?" He asked her.

Corto" Sure, anywey i was about to beat you." She sayd confidently picking back up the console.

Manta" Um no you werent. I was about to beat YOUR butt." He replayed picking up the console and both of them went back on playing videogames.

Mouse just shighed and went and started reading a book in her room.


A small earthguake was felt as the place started shaking waking evrebidy up....exept 2 people.

Mouse" Wake up you two! Whale and the Queen anounced something!!" She screamed at the two towake up.

Dabbie" Plese let me do it." She said as she pused mouse aside a little and took a deep breath.
"WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"She screamed loudlywaking half of the island up.

"Eyy what the-?" Corto sayd as she woke up.

"Shut up dabbie...-" Manta sayd as he woke up halfly asleep as he groaned anoyed.

Corto got up sitting on the chouth as she rubbed her eyes.

She and manta both falled asleep on the chouth beacouse they falled asleep while playing games.

Manta" Dabbie i swear if youwake me up one more time like that-" manta swore as he got up from the chouth wiping his eyes.
"Hey were the bathroom in this place?" He asked halfly asleep.

Enky" in front of the halwey, that wey." He sayd mentioning in wich wey.

Manta mutered a small thanks as he started walking twords the bathroom.

Corto" Dont stay to long there, i also need it!" He warned him.
"So why did you all woke me up?" She asked whit a small sight.

Shino" Whale and the queen gived a new warning." He sayd bored rolling his eyes.

"What!? What did they say? Are the races starting again?" She asked exaited.

Mouse" No. They sayd we need to stay in lockdown yesterday, there was no wey they whold have deal whit the problem this fast. They sayd that the food suplise whold arrive soon in each home place and nest." She told her anoyed shaking her head slightly.

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