Revenge pt1

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Manta picked up corto and runed whit her into the cave togheter whit the others.

After all of them entred they closed the entrance and the pirates showed them a secret tunel bringing all of them in an abandoned agua titan.

There manta puted down corto on one of the stalls.

Manta"Shino come over here plase and look to see if her ankel is broken or not." He told him on a cold tone as he got up and started walking twords san and mina filling angry.

Corto was holding onto her ankel not even capabal to understand what hapened in the last moments.

Shino gived manta a small nod as he walked over to corto to cheek her ankel.

Mouse" Corto are you ok?" Mouse asked paniked as she runned over to corto huging her thightly.

Enky" Corto are you ok?" He asked worryed as he camed over to shino helping him.

Corto" Hey i am alright...just my ankel hurts werry much..." She responded whit a small smile.

Then hannah walked over to corto whit a worryed expression.

"Are you alright corto? It looks like it really hurts.." She sayd as she walked over to corto.

"It does but i am fine-"She responded before she was cuted of by manta and san fighting eachothers..

Shino gived a small smirk togheter whit debbie before going back to treat cortos ankel.

Corto" Hey whats happening over there!?" She asked worryed as she saw a crowd around the two fighting boys.

Shino" I am sure mantas alright, san shold have seen that coming." He mutered whit a small chukle as he bandaged cortos ankel.

Dabbie was on her phone smirking as she published a post about san and mina triping corto making her hurt her ankel and almoust getting her killed if manta wasnt there to save her.Basically just wanting the internet to talk all trashabout the two.

Mouse" What? But what if one of them gets hurt?" She askked a little worryed but also a little happy that manta was having revange for corto.

Enky" Eh...i am usually against violance but in this case....SHOW HIM MANTA!" He shouted giving a thumbs up to manta.

Corto" Seriously enky? The two can get dangerously hurt." She sayd worryed for them and a bit more worryed for manta.

At one point Pavel gets in betwin them stoping the fight.

Pavel" Usually i like seeing a good fight, but right now we have enought problems. So you two better ignore eachother." He told them anoyed separating the two.

Manta scoffed as he wiped his nose wiping awey some blood, he had a copel of bruises on himself but noting serious.

But san had a blodly nose, also a cople of bruises and some blood driping from his mouth as he was kicked in the stomach.
Manta got up and left walking twords a nother cave entering a small lacke cave thinghy.
(Like a small lake whit whater but in a cave, i forgot how it was called. Sorry..)

Corto got up from the stall stumbeling a little then she runned after manta to see if he was alright after the firght he had whit san.

Corto entred the cave seeing manta as he washed his face a little in the water from the lake.

"Hey, evrething good?" Corto asked him as she walked over to him siting down besides him.

"Yeah...just a little mad that it..." He muttered felling a little bit anoyed whit himself.
"How about you? How is your ankel?"he asked her a little worryed.


I will stop over here and continue tomorow how right now its really late for me and i have school tomorow.

Also i dont want to make anyone mad whit the fighting part betwin manta and san and how i ship in this fanfiction manat and corto.

Goodbye have a good day/night!

And sorry for any gramatical mistakes.
And if you think i shold add something more or uf you noticed any grammar errors plase message me to repair the error and to maybe add the sugestions.


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