New bad person?

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"Is that Gavidas Tech emblem?" Corto asked confused as she picked up the emvelope.

Enky"Looks like it. And it also looks authentic" he sayd on a worryed tone.

Mouse"I think we need to give this to whale òr queen scarllet." She sugested having flashback about what happened last time they met whi gavinda.

" Youre right mouse. Come on guys we need to give this to them as fast as possibal." Corto admited as she was holding the envelope having a really bad felling about it.


Queen Scarllet" Team tikky? What are you doing here?" She asked them guite confused but also a tad bit curious.

Whale"Hello kids what brings you all here?" He asked them whit a smile on his face as he was helping the queen whit something.

Mouse" We have a serious matter to talk about." Mouse sayd on a serious tone as corto handed her the black envelope.

Mouse walked over to them and gived them the unopened envelope.

Mr. Whale leted out a loud serious worryed and confused WHAT as he looked carefull at the envelope.

"But-but i thought we got rid of her.." He stutered as he looked at the envelope.

Scarllet" Did any of you opened it? Or know what maight be inside of it?" She asked them on a serious tone worried.

Enky" No we didnt, wen we arrive back later today from the race we found it in our mail box." He responded serious not knowing what to expect next how he also felt slightly scared.

Corto"Its really weird thou, why whold she contact us all of a sudden?" She wondered felling confused.

Mouse"Maybe she want to get revenge on us for destroying her plans before.." She sayd on a really worryed tone whit a slightly bit of paranoia.

Whale" It dosnt look like it from this envelope..." He sayd now a tad bit more calmer but still worryed.

Enky"What is writtend on it?" He asked curious.

Scarllet took the envelope and started reading out loud what was written on it.

Dear team tikky.

It is me GAVIDA TEACH, i know i know long time since we havent meet eachother.
And hello to you to Mr. Whale sorry for the inconvinces that happened a while ago.

I know youre wondering why i decided to write you all, all of a suden, but this is a serious situation and i need your help. The future of terragua and all the island are at sake  after all.

Corto" What!? What does she mean by that!?" She asked worryed and shoked.

Mouse" Corto calm down and let the queen read." She told her felling worryed but wanted to calm down her friend first.

If you re wondering of
What i am talking about. Mr whale
Do you remember that drone driver that
Almoust killed your and queens scarllets
Genies? And destroyed your drones?

And if the answer is yes, then be carefull.
That person is back and more stronger
Than any of the boomers or younger generation will ever bee.

Why am i telling you this? I am telling you beacouse this dosnt only make you all in denger but also me and what remained of my team and drones...but also beacouse this person hurted my nicee and maked her extremly ill thanks to the chimicals theyr drone has. And i want to get my revange.

Plese write back as soon as possibal. The future of the island and of terragua is in danger.

Gavinda Teach

Nobody sayd a thing, all of the looked at the envelope whit cold sweat dripping down from theyr forheads.

What will the future bring us?


Late Marry Christmass!!!

Sorry for not posting much. And for any misspelings or misscomunication.


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