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Mr whale gulped as he was holding the envelope and turned twords the queen and asked on a surprized worryed and something clouse to scared tone of voice.
"Do you think who i think, gavinda is talking about?" He asked her worryed.

Corto finally out of that trance of fear and shock she asked.
"What-? Who- Do you two know this person?" She asked she was really confused and worryed what was hapening?

Scarllet" I dont kniw whale. Gavinda- didnt actually gived us meny info about this person. I think you remember werry well we all had some big enemys in our grand days." She answered on a worryed but secure tone not wanting to scare anybody.

But enky saw the look in scarllets eyes. She was scared almoust terrified but he neded to hold in hiș compouser to not scare or show the fact he knew the queen was scared.

Scarllet" Mouse. Plese go and write a note back to gavinda tech. Tell her that we will be ready. But if she wants to help her nice she can come any time here. I know that in polaris is really rarely to get better after getting sick." She told moust on a stern tone then draged whale awey to have a conversation whit him.

(Ok so in my Au gavinda is originally from polaris and thats why there are so meny facilitys and places were they worked on her toxic drones.)

Mouse gulped and noded before running twords a room in the palice were she started writing right awey.

Corto as the ruthless person she is she draged enky and oro whit her as they spyed on scarllet and whale to eardrop on theyr conversation.

Whale" I still cant belive he betrayed us...after all we teached him..." whale sayd as he was having his face inside his palm whit a sorry and anoyed like expression.

Scarllet" Theres no point on felling sorry for something that already hapened whale. We need to make a plan to find out how we can save terragua and the rest of the islands especially the aguas" She told him it was clear something bad hapened in the past. And thats now camed back to life to terrorize them again...

Corto jumped out from behind the wall and asked on a loud clear tone" What are you two talking about!? What hapened in the past? And more importantly what do we need to do to make sure oro and the rest of the islands are safe..?" She asked them on a confused but determine tone, she was scarred but not as scared as the tought of losing her best friend oro was.

Enky fallowed right after her" Yes tell us what hapened. We can help! The hole islanz can help. I am sure of it." He sayd on a determined and asuring tone of voice.

Scarllet gived them a small warm smile that soon desapeard as fast as she looked at the ground.
"You kinds dont understand. This man is more powerfull that anything we had to deal in the past-"

Whale" He was almoust imposibal for all 4 of us to beat him...and he was just starting it back then.." He ended felling terribal and somehow ashamed like it was his foult for what hapened back then.

Corto" Thats ridiculous! I am sure we can still help-" She shouted determined whit some sweat driping from her forhead as she tryed to convince the two olders that they can help.

Scarllet" Corto. Stop, go togheter whit enky and moust somewere to try and relax while me and whale will be trying to look out for clues to see if he already infiltrated inside of if we have a spy beaneath us." He comanded corto on a firm but loud comanding tone.

The two just gulped as the looked at eachother and just noded akwardly.

Mouse soon camed back shouting" Done i sended it back to gavinda!" She sayd as she camed over to enky and corto and oro.

Scarllet" Great then moust, now you and the rest of the tean tiky are dismissed. And plese dont tell anyone about what gavinda told us. We dont want to make panic. Alright?." She told them as she and whale shared a look before telling them.

Team tikky just noded as they left the palace all having a bad and worring felling about what will happen next.

Meanwhile, Scarllet togheter whit whale were on a call whit victorias mother trying to look for some cluess to see if they have a spy beaneath them or if the man already infiltrated inside.

All of them leted out a surprized sound beacouse of what they descovered.

Ok so this is it. I know it isnt much but i hope you guys like it. In the next chapter if you guys whold ĺike i will drop some things that i have in my au and one specific trope if the new villain that i whold like you guys to know about.

Hope you liked the story! And dont forget to take good care of yourself, drink whater, eat something and take some well deserved rest!!!

Have a good day/night/evening.


Whit dear Anddy!!

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