Living the Dream (Previously American Singer) Chapter 10

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Hey there, guess what? I’M BACK. I know I know I’m horrible for leaving it there for so long….talk about suspense huh? Anyway thanks for not sending bomb threats my way, greatly appreciated ;). Anywhoooo ON WARD….oh oh oh, and don’t forget to VOTE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE….it’s great motivation if you know what I mean hint hint nudge nudge

By the way, I’m sorry but no more boy’s POV’s  because I want this to be a journey, at least you know they’re both interested in her, however, will thy fall in love with her. I want it to be mysterious like when you like a guy/girl you don’t know what they’re thinking, I want it like that. J so yeah, you know enjoy!!

Alright so since it’s been so long let me catch you up……

Riley- That is until my stomach bubbled with excitement as Jason walked onto the stage for his turn.

A judge (sorry I forgot which one OH WELL)- “Well Jason, I can honestly say that I was pleasantly surprised at just how talented you are” the crowd erupted into cheers and “woops.”

Jason- “well actually I was just gonna ask if u wanted to come on down, you could bring Julia too and you two can sleep on the pull out couch in my room.”

Riley- I saw the tips of a hand reach out towards me in a gesture to say ‘here, let me help you up’. His hands looks big, strong and capable and rough like guitar players’. As I looked to see who’s hand it belonged to my breath caught in my throat. Oh. My. God. It was Jacob Hill, and he was helping me up.

Jacob- “so uh, what’s your name” he asked to break the silence as we made our way back to the room. When I didn’t answer right away he started again. “oh uh im Jacob by the way, in case you didn’t know.”

Jacob- “she’s staying in the guy’s house, what the hell, they could be doing anything in there.” I don’t know why it made me so mad but thinking of her with those guys, I mean, she could get raped, well maybe they wouldn’t rape her but they could get her I bed oh God I can’t think about it.

Karrie- “hey calm down there tiger, she and her friend will be fine, I’ll talk to them and see if they wouldn’t mind moving in with the girls instead, I mean I can’t force them as long as they have permission, they can stay anywhere, but I’m sure they’ll be reasonable.”

Julia- “OMIGOD SKANK LEAVE US BE PLEASE,”  Julia shouted agitated merely from knowing Holly exists “I already don’t want to be in a house full of PMSing girls, soo please go before I go bat ape crazy and cut you.”

Jason- It always kept the hope alive, that she might one day fall for me. That’s why I need to tell her, in fact I think I might just go talk to her now. But as I was walking up to her I saw Jacob Hill waltz through the doors like he was freaking Jesus, leaving me standing. Pift whatever, I don’t need to be worried, it’s not like he knows Rylie. But like an invitation for disaster, I almost stopped breathing when he stopped behind her and whispered something to her so only she could hear.

Riley- I was talking to Julia when all of the sudden I felt someone’s breath in my neck.


Chapter 10

Riley’s POV

I was talking to Julia when all of the sudden I felt someone’s breath in my neck.

“Hey so is this your butt-ugly friend you were telling me about before?” I heard him whisper so only I could hear.

I turned around to see two absolutely gorgeous green/blue eyes. If I were standing, I would have fainted for sure. Omigod, I can’t look away, it’s like looking into the ocean when your flying above it in a plane, where the colors from beneath the surface show through and blend so well until it becomes one color. There’s blue and green, on ooo ooo I see brown, wait, why isn’t he saying anything?  Oh fugnuckles, he asked me something didn’t he, crikey (hey don’t judge it’s an awesome word) I bet I look so dumb just sitting here. I wonder what he thinks of me? I wonder what Jason….woah woah woah, stop right there. Now where was I, right I look like an idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2011 ⏰

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