Six: ☽ flags and green fog ☾ [UNEDITED]

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chapter siiiixxxxx!!

i will be on a writing schedule now! every sunday i will update this book, and i'm bringing back the runes curse! that, though, will be updated every saturday. the new schedule will come into effect next week ;)


Six: ☽ flags and green fog ☾  


I was currently stuck huddled up in a tree.

The rest of the Hunters were scattered on our side of the forest, each of us with our own bow and arrows. Each bow a hand-crafted, rich dark color. The arrows, of course, matched. Kind of Artemis' specialty.

The green leaves of the trees blew easily in the night breeze. The stars were practically nonexistent. Well, nonexistent to me. I couldn't see anything below me or above me. Might not be practical, but it was great for hiding our flag. 

I, of course, was the one hiding the flag: I had climbed up to the top, hoping I wouldn't fall and break my neck. That'd be a tragic ending to my story. It wasn't easy, but I had manage. The tree wasn't hard to climb, but it wasn't easy either. Random branches were scattered, making it hard to get a firm grip and actually climb. The bark of the tree was slippery, just like everything else in the forest. Moss covered the whole forest from head to toe, adding a somewhat medieval feel to it. Not like I knew what the medieval times looked like.

I craned my neck to take a peek at the ground, scanning my surroundings. I heard the distant cries of demigods and Hunters fighting. I missed the action, the sounds of mental against metal, the bond between teammates. It was kind of like book club, but except books you had sharp objects.

"Having fun there?" A voice suddenly asked, startling me. I tripped on the branch I was hiding on and tumbled, my body hitting the hard branch below. The pain didn't hurt as much as my annoyance as I realized who was there. I opened my eyes, trying to keep my balance. I rubbed my back, and swung my body over the branch I was on. I looked up and saw Apollo casually lying on top of the one next to me. I gave him a look that I hoped was menacing. He instead looked unfazed. 

"What can I help you with," I growled, looking away from him and praying that no one was around. Not only was he going to draw attention, but he probably was luring others to come steal our flag.

I wiped a strand of my dark brown hair behind my ear as he stood up, crawled over to the closet branch to me, and resumed his melodramatic boyband pose. 

"I'm just so tragically bored," he sighed, surveying his finger nails. 

I looked around before giving in and talking to him. "Aren't you a little bit too much of a pretty boy to be out in the woods?"

"So you think I'm pretty?"

"Ugh. No. Gross," I said as I gagged, putting my bow on my back, "It's called a... Wait, why are you here?"

That made him uneasy. Apollo looked over at me, giving me a weird look. His blond hair looked darker, like he suddenly dyed it a light brown to dark blonde. The rest of him, though, looked just as it did before; white polo shirt, jeans, expensive looking knock off converse.

"Just thought I'd see my favorite Hunter," he paused, looking down. "I'm wondering why my sister recruited you. There's nothing special about you. I still don't even know who your godly parent is."

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