Twenty One: ☽ The dwarf has got to be kidding me ☾

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hello everyone! thank you so much for being patient and i am so sorry for not updating for over 2 months. school has been a thing and i simply forgot about this. i am planning to finish this story by the end of winter break since i am close to an ending! also, i apologize for the short chapter. i'm getting back into writing and i just needed to get a quick chapter up before the next two big ones, so be prepared and sit back and relax, because this is going to be long ride...


Twenty One: ☽ The dwarf has got to be kidding me ☾


"So, what's your genius plan, sweetheart?" Apollo asked me, turning his head to look at me and away from the endless blue in front of us. One hand was on the steering wheel and the other was draped across my seat. The creme interior of the newly polished up convertible was over done and tacky, but I didn't say that out loud. Apollo and I were finally getting along.

I pointed my chin up and took a deep breath, "We're flying straight to Arizona."

From the back of the seat, Marissa spoke up. "And where exactly in Arizona are we going to?" 

"We're going to Tucson," I announced, feeling strangely prepared. For days I had no idea where I was going or what to do, but now I knew and it felt comforting. Tucson clicked for me.

"That's going to give me frizz," Apollo said airily, but I distinctively knew that he actually meant it.


I felt disconnected from my body as I opened my eyes and saw where I was. The familiar curves of rock and stone, along with the coating of green slime, surrounded me and I knew Artemis was near. Her essence floated me along, and soon I saw a few torches that hung from the walls of rock. 

Artemis knelt, chained to the wall that was a scene I kept seeing over the course of the last few days in my dreams. But this time, it felt more real. 

Her read hair was plastered to her face and the nape of her neck and her white night gown was no longer white, but a dusty color. Her bare feet were blistered and bleeding, and even though I knew she could make her appearance however she pleased, I knew this time it was different. She was truly in pain and shifting her appearance would drain her strength.

The crackling of rocks sounded from one of the multiple corridors, and soon a small dwarfish creature appeared clad in a red and white checkered suit. 

"Hello, lady Artemis! What an honour to finally meet you. I am Pheonix," the dwarf said in a higher pitched tone than I was expecting. He held a clipboard in one hand and stuck out his other in an attempt to shake her hand. 

Artemis looked up, glaring at the dwarf. 

"Ah, right..." The dwarf, Pheonix, paused, pulling back and taking a few steps back as well. "Well, I am here as more of a personal assistant."

"For me?" Artemis croaked, confused. I couldn't blame her. This dwarf just pops out of nowhere, wearing probably a thousand dollar suit, and doesn't seem fazed. 

Pheonix chuckled, fixing his matching beret. Under neath poked out fire red hair. "Oh, silly. Ouranus didn't say that you had quite the humor! But, no, I am not your assistant, heavens no. I am here to monitor you while Ouranus is out... Doing things."

Artemis slumped her back against the rock, almost lifeless. I really felt like strangling this dwarf for just standing there and helping out this... You know, I really am not sure about Ouranus. 

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