Fourteen: ☽ I get attacked by a worm ☾

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hellllloooooo! I wrote the majorty of this in my car in a 4 hour road trip on my phone, so sorry if there is any errors or anything like that. 

anyway, enjoy ;)


Fourteen: ☽ I get attacked by a worm ☾ 


Where was I.

Oh, that's right.

We were plummeting to our deaths

It's not as glamorous as the movies portray it to be: falling swiftly with perfect hair and your soul mate besides you telling you all the things you wished they had said all along.

First off, my hair probably looked like a rats nest and no one in that car was my long lost love.

But it was terrifying. That was as simple as I could describe it.

The air around us was venti free, but that wasn't much of a gift. We were all gripping for our lives and I really hated Apollo in that moment. I hadn't realized it before he told me, but it made sense. Zeus limited his powers, meaning that he had none. And that was why he decided it would be neat to trek around with us through America.

Back to the point.

I had no idea how far up we were, but in only a matter of seconds would we be as flat as a pancake.

Everything around us was dark, that much I noticed.
I felt a hand grip my arm and I opened my eyes to see a blinding light before everything went pitch black again.


A deep voice woke my thoughts and I groggily opened my eyes. Except I was actually there.

I was present, but I also knew I was in a dream type state. I felt grass from under me and saw that I was in a meadow. Tons of wild flowers were in the distance; yellows, oranges, and purples dotted around the field.

The grass was tall, and I was surprised that I wasn't swallowed in.

I looked at myself and saw I was in a white night gown. It reminded me of the one I had worn when I was much, much younger.

"You're awake," a young female voice said. I looked up and shielded the sun from my eyes, and saw a young red headed girl with pale features. I had no idea how I could've not noticed her before.


"You're alive," I croaked, not caring how raw my voice sounded. I sat up with such speed I didn't know I had. I felt a pain inside my chest as soon as I did.

She came over to me, wearing the same night gown as me, and pushed me back slightly. "Don't hurt yourself, Clarissa," Artemis said in that motherly voice of hers. It seemed weird coming from someone who took the appearance of a 6 year old, but once you get used to it, it doesn't seem as weird anymore.

"I expect you have many questions," Artemis said, sitting down beside me. Her gown poofed as she sat down abruptly.

As far as I could tell, trees surrounded us on the distance, circling us inside. It all seemed a little too perfect: the flowers, the lush green trees, and, of course, having Artemis right beside me.

Artemis' pale features glistened in  the beating sun, and it illuminated her red hair. 

I brushed a lock of my own dark hair out of my face. "How are we here?" I asked Artemis. 

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