One: ☽ I Meet My Half Sibling ☾ [UNEDITED]

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Being a Hunter is nothing like a demigod. So, if you're reading this, you might think-

Alright, that isn't even my story, but let's get this started. I'm not usually the one to explain things, which is usually my best friend, Marissa Dyer's job. She's from the 1800's, but we'll get back to that later.

My name is Clara Crossly and I spend my time with my lady, Artemis. Most would ask why, but I was recruited in the 1400's. Back when all of you weren't even alive. Hey, even your great, great grandparents weren't even alive yet. That's how old I am. And I'm not counting the years anymore, it's useless when you've been alive for almost 600 years.

I was originally a demigod, but that's not important. None of this is, but I have to hurry. They might be coming.

If you're new to all of this and don't know what a demigod even is, then sit back and relax. It's going to take a while.

Demigods are the offspring of a Greek God or Goddess and a human. It sounds weird and gross, but it's pretty common. The Olympians like to do it regularly, creating more and more demigods that roam the earth. They're pretty hard to spot nowadays, what with the mist getting stronger and stronger, but that's not the point. I was once considered a demigod, and would've gone to Camp Athens, but it wasn't even made yet. Camp Athens is a home to all demigods, and is considered a summer camp with New Athens in the mix, except now with more and more demigods, and more monsters, it's a regular-all-around-year camp where demigods spend their days training.

I despise it.

Most importantly, being a Hunter, you kind of have to stick with Artemis. She's an Olympian, but swears to never get close enough to a mortal man to have a demigod. It's just who she is, always claiming that love is reckless and that her Hunters should follow in her footsteps. Most do, like me, but some fall out of that path and eventually find someone who they love and call baby and blah, blah, blah. It's annoying when one of my other Hunters go and find some man and tell me about it.

Artemis usually lets them go, and they go with ease. Then we have to find more girls, and that's the cycle. Marissa and I are one of the few who have stuck with it, promising to Artemis and staying loyal.

But she does have one rule, and that means that every Hunter, recluse or not, has to follow it.

Not falling for her brother, Apollo. But that's easy, he's a major pain and we hardly ever see him, only if it's important and he has to be there.

🌑 🌑 🌑

I ran through the woods, my feet extending with each step I took on the hard, sandy, rocky ground. I jumped over several branches and logs, landing on the dusty dirt below me. I was more than experienced at this, what with the fact I had been hunting for over 500 years. I had learn different ways to keep my breath and pace steady, making sure not to lose track of my prey. My breath hitched when I looked behind me and noticed I had lost my other Hunters. It sounds weird, but, trust me, it's not. This happens almost all the time; I get excited and go off, wandering without them while they go the other way. Artemis had always told me that it was what had helped me stay hidden for so many years before she had found me and I normally agreed.

I turned my head back and noticed that I was several seconds too late. It was gone, the thing that had startled Artemis and had me searching, speeding, after it. I reached for my bow, careful in case I was being oblivious and it might jump at any moment. I had always slung my bow over my back with my arrows, but tonight I was lazy and had it over my shoulder, which wasn't very good. I fumbled for a few minutes when untangling my bow from my shoulder. I reached for my arrow, careful not to make any other sounds.

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