Nineteen: ☽ We get a little visit from Zeus ☾

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sorry i didnt update last week, i had a craaazzzy busy weekend with @voodooashluke but its all gouda now


Nineteen: ☽ We get a little visit from Zeus ☾  


The airplane trip wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be.

Just kidding, it was terrible.

I clutched the armrests of my seat, taking in ragged breaths and trying to soothe myself. I probably had a wild stare, seeing as when Iooked over at Gwen, she immediately looked away.

The calm voice of the flight attendant didn't help either. Her voice echoed around the airplane, explains procedures in case we crashed as we were lifting off.

Yup, just something I want to think about.

The feeling of lifting off the ground wasn't special or exciting, it was like being in Tartarus.
I know, I've never been but it still felt like it.

Marissa's head was resting on my shoulder, making me uncomfortable. I didn't want to be rude and shove her away, but I was really feeling anxious.

I decided to think of other things, but that stressed me out even more.
I had no idea what to expect when we landed in Utah, and I wasn't feeling excited about it.

Who were we going to be fighting?

That question kept replays in my mind for the past few days, and each time I thought about it my mind wandered.

"Clara," Apollo practically yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him and noticed that he seemed perfectly at home. He didn't have a fear of the sky, because he was the sun god.


"I've been trying to ask you a question, but all you do is stare at the guys head," he said, pointing at the guy sitting in front of me.
"What are your thoughts about," he paused, pulling out two different shade of sunglasses from his backpack. "This one or this one?" Apollo shoved both of the same sunglasses towards me.

I weighed them both in my hands, feeling frustrated.

"Are you serious?" I snapped at him, shoving them back. A few people looked over, but nothing serious. "We're about to face our death, and all you can think about is your different sunglasses choices?"

Apollo raised an eyebrow, and I suspected he thought I was the irrational one. "Just trying to be prepared." He rolled his eyes and stuffed them back into his backpack, moving the backpack back under his seat. "And by the way, it's actually you three who might die," he added, using a tone that meant he was better than us.

In a way, yes he was correct. But he also had no powers, from what he had told me, and he didn't even know who we were fighting.

I gritted my teeth and stared straight ahead at the seat in front of me. The thought of our impending death was sure fun to think about. I tried to avoid thinking about it, but each passing second was another one closer to having to face whatever was chasing us. It was miserable. Not just Artemis being captured and us having to go face a thing that had so much power that it could capture a god. But the fact that we had to fight it and, by the way it seemed, the gods didn't even care.

That was typical, of course, but I at least thought they would offer some support.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. If I could do anything other than get lost in my own thoughts, it would be to sleep. I welcomed sleep like an old friend.

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