Twenty Four: ☽ I already hate this place ☾

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Twenty Four: ☽ I already hate this place ☾ 

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I opened my eyes, and tried to rub the sleep out of them, but, sadly, my hands were chained to the wall. Like in the medieval times. It was like I was in a dungeon. My clothes were torn and stained with blood and dirt, and I could feel my hair was a rats nest.

I looked around and could've sworn it was too familiar. Then it hit me. I was in the same cavern Artemis is in. This knowledge made my the breath in my through hitch. I looked around wildly, but she was not in the same cell as me. Instead, across from me was her twin brother.

Apollo seemed as though he had been awake for awhile. He was starring at the ceiling, which was just carved out stone. It was very much like a dungeon. We had rusted bars separating us from the dark outside. I knew somewhat where we were. I knew Marissa could probably get us out of here and then it struck me.

Marissa wasn't here.

Neither was Gwen.

"I know what you're thinking," Apollo suddenly said, his voice dry and raspy. I had no idea how long we had been in here. Days? Months? I had no idea and it terrified me. I had to fix it. "They're not here. They don't know where we are. You wanna know what's funny? I'm a god. I'm a god and I'm stuck here turning into a mortal and Zeus nor do the other gods even care. We could be in Tartarus and they wouldn't even bat an eye."

I said nothing to this because it was true. They didn't believe us.

The sound of a lock clicking made me snap my head to look at the door. A little man unlocked it and I knew immediately who he was. Pheonix. Uranus's personal assistant. I was really starting to hate this place.

Pheonix looked different from the last time I saw him. He was still small, but his hair was a flaming read to match his orange and red flamed suit. Tacky was one of the many words I could use to describe it.

"Why, why, why! You two are looking quite..." He trailed off and I was glad he did. He snapped his attention back to the clipboard he was holding. "Anyway! I was just here to say welcome and I come you enjoy your stay her!"

Apollo let out a bitter laugh. "How could we when we are locked up and my sister is somewhere rotting in here?"

Pheonix tapped his clipboard with a pen that had his name engraved on it. "Well, I see. I think we can make some adjustments." I took a peek to look outside the cell and saw the cyclops that probably brought us here waiting for Pheonix.

Pheonix walked over to Apollo and pulled out a silver key, unlocking him from the shackles. Pheonix walked toward and and I sneaked a look at Apollo. He knew what I was thinking.

"I must say, Clara, you look just as lovely as your mother did in her youth," Pheonix said sweetly and I stiffened as he unlocked me. But before I could think of what he just said, Apollo smashed a rock against Pheonix's skull, knocking him out. I didn't know if it was temporary or permanent, and I did not care.

I felt my chest ache and we both slowly walked out of the cell, careful to miss the cyclops only inches away.

Once we were sure it was safe, we walked slowly toward the hallway across from our cell. The ceilings were low, just small enough that the cyclops had to bend down. He seemed distracted, playing on his tablet outside of our cell. I was glad he didn't notice us because it made things much more easier.

Once we knew it was safe, Apollo and I broke into a run. My knees felt sore and ached, the ground beneath my feet hard and felt like I was walking barefoot on gravel. I did not care because the faster I got to Artemis, the faster we could get out of here and prove Zeus and the rest of Olympus wrong.

I knew where to go and how to get there, but I knew it was risky. We had to otherwise we would be too late.

I felt the sides of the tunnel we were in, the only light was a torch illuminating the tunnel towards the large abyss where I knew Uranus would be.

This was it. The large abyss was an entryway to Tartarus, and as we entered toward it, it was empty. I could feel Apollo close next to me and we both scanned our surroundings. It was just as I remembered it.

A huge abyss that seemed to go on forever. The edge of it was a few feet wide and went around the hole. Each side had eight tunnels leading to gods know where.

"What is supposed to happen, Clara? Where's Artemis?" Apollo asked and I was asking myself the same thing. Everything was deathly quiet. The only sound was from Apollo tapping his foot and the occasional slime from the walls dropping to the ground.

As if to answer our questions, a booming voice sounded from the abyss, making Apollo and me jump but the difference between us is that I recognized it immediately. Uranus bellowed deep from Tartarus.

"Well, well. Clara Crossly. What a pleasure to meet you finally," Uranus said and I knew he meant it. His voice was not only loud but it felt like he was creeping under my skin, laying eggs and waiting for them to hatch. I shivered as he spoke my name.

"I can say that the feeling isn't mutual." My voice sounded lame against his, so instead I stood my ground, reaching behind me for my bow and then dropping my hand once I remembered.

Uranus laughed as if I was a child. "I know you've traveled far to reach me and, wow, I feel quite delighted that you did that!" I stayed quiet and so did Apollo. I had no idea what he was feeling, but he didn't seem shocked. "I must say, you both did not seem that surprised that there were no defenses or anything here. I must thank you for finally getting rid of that dwarf for me. "

My eyes trailed to the ground as I realized what was happening. It didn't even cross our minds that this could be a trap. Uranus couldn't be that stupid and I didn't even think for one second.

"Now, now. You must be wondering. Where is Artemis?" Uranus asked us and Apollo's hands curled into fists.

"Don't talk about my sister," Apollo growled but Uranus only laughed.

"Silly, god. Apollo, you're turning into a mortal, I assume? Quite fun for you to have that happen for the third time now! Well, let's get to the point. Bring her out."

My eyes scanned around the abyss until it landed on two cyclopes dragging out a girl around twelve. Her red hair was a muted color, her skin was deathly pale and she was deadly skinny. Her night gown was stained and ripped and she tripped as she was dragged out of the tunnel and towards the abyss. This was not the look of a Goddess. she was not Artemis and I felt myself let out a cry as she was brought to the edge.

I couldn't help but break out into a run towards Artemis, but I was not successful as Apollo held me back. I let out a scream, but Artemis would look up.

"You can't be stupid now, Clara," Apollo whispered into my ear and I knew he was right. But the sight of her was too much. I couldn't stand there and watch.

"You should listen to him, Clara," Uranus bellowed. "I must ask you, did you both ever think you would be here?"

I struggled against Apollo's grasp. "Why are you doing this?" I screamed, tears starting to stain my dirt covered cheeks.

The cyclopses pushed Artemis closer towards the edge of Tartarus. She wasn't even fighting back. She had no energy or powers. She was drained.

I prayed this would all be a dream. I wanted to wake up and be with the Hunters again, on a trip across North America. But I knew it was too much to ask for.

"Clara, Apollo. I must say it's been nice chatting, but it's time." Uranus said. His words seemed sad, but he wasn't. This was his plan.

Suddenly, before I knew it, Artemis was pushed into the abyss by the cyclopes and I wasn't the only one that screamed. Apollo and I both screamed as she plummeted towards Tartarus. These things never happen, aren't supposed to happen, but here she was, falling into Tartarus.

I wanted to jump in after her, but Apollo's grip tightened on me and I knew I wasn't the only one sobbing.

"Good bye, Clara Crossly." Uranus's voice rang in my head and I felt myself drifting off as I let out another cry. My head began to spin and I could've sworn I heard more screaming. Marissa's face swirled as I plummeted into my own deep abyss.

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