Twelve: ☽ We get a talking car ☾

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A/N: this chapter includes some violence and a little bit of gore. i strongly advise to be cautious if you don't like reading gore :/

-wordscollide this fab fab helping writing a few Marissa parts in this chapter, and I would like to thank her ;) stay fresh sugar


Twelve: We get a talking car


I looked in Lukas's sea green eyes, my hand cupping his face. He held me close, the moon casting an eerry glow on his light brown hair. His own hands were placed on the crook of my back.

"We will see each other tomorrow, Clarissa," he said softly. "I have to leave." He made no indication of that statement as he wouldn't let go, and, honestly, I didn't want him too. Hours away made my heart ache for him, my whole body ache for him.

"But that is too long," I replied to him, my thumbs rubbing his cheeks softly. He had a slight stubble on his face.

What seemed too short, he let go, and I did the same. Lukas walked down the dirt path of my cottage. His woven shirt and pants lightly blowing in the night breeze. I turned around, my mind on cloud 9. I lifted up my blue dress and walked to the door. I was gone all day, which I knew my parents would scold me the moment I walked through the door.

The rest of the village was asleep, but I saw candle light coming through the door. I twisted a lock of my long, black hair around my fingers.

Lukas was the one; I knew it.

He had promised to come back in the morning and we would marry; that simple. My parents disapproved of him, claiming that he was just a boy and they intended me to marry the family friend, Elijah, of theirs who goes to balls and would have me settled right. I didn't want that. I wanted mystery, passion, love. I didn't want some guy who I hardly knew.

I lightly opened the wooden door, the handle a piece of rope. The whole house wasn't special or extreme. It was a one story cottage with three rooms; one for my parents, and the other two for my brothers and sisters. I had a total of 9 siblings. I, the oldest.

"Mama, Papa...?" I called throughout the house, noticing that the candle light was correct to my suspicions. The dining table and chairs were pushed into the corner, something that wasn't normally there. The table was always in the middle of the dining room, next to the kitchen.

I picked up my fluffy, large dress. It was a ball dress, and as I recalled, the dress I was supposed to wear to the ball with Elijah. I, of course, ditched that event and ran to Lukas.

I rumaged through the house until I saw blood dripping on the hallway walls to the room I shared with my sisters. I sucked in a breath, hoping that what I was walking into wasn't what I expected.

The blood was splattered on the walls, dripping slowly, with the wooden floors seeping up the mess. I opened the door to the room slightly, the room I walked into daily.

I felt a gasp come to my lips as I held onto my mouth. I felt my knees buckle and I tumbled to the ground. Tears came to my eyes and spilled out, wetting my cheeks and my dress.

My mother and father were sprawled on top of my siblings up against my bed, multiple puncture wounds and stabs across their skin. Blood seeped from their mouths and stomachs. I crawled toward my parents and my siblings, who were just as bad as they were. Slit marks across their necks and wrists, bleeding out. I had no idea how long their were bleeding out for, but I knew it was painful. Painful and long.

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