Sixteen: ☽ An oldie freaks out ☾

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A/N: hey guys! i've decided that during the school year my updating routine will be on sundays, but that wont happen for another month so... anyway, i got my brother into reading heros of olympus and im so glad bc now i have someone new to talk about the characters with!!!!!!!!!! i've just been really happy lately, and sorry if this chapter isnt as good as the others, but the next one will be packed ;) and i hope you all enjoy!


Sixteen:  An oldie freaks out 


I woke up in my own sleeping bag in the guest room. My eyes felt like sand bags, heavy and hard to open. I rubbed them, rubbing away the sleep. My eyes took a moment to become clear, and I turned my head to the window. The bright summer sun sparkled through the glass, shadowing the curtains. Marissa stood near the window, tabbing the window lightly with her finger tips. She wore her gear, ready for our plane trip.

I knew how she felt. Part of me wanted to leave immediately and defeat whatever was waiting for us. But the other part of me also wanted to stay here and be normal. Live out my life like someone normal.

But that never worked exactly how I planned.

I looked to my right to see if Gwen was still sleeping, but she was packing her things into her Hello Kitty backpack, her dark brown hair braided into two braids.

"How come no one woke me up?" I asked aloud. Marissa turned around, but Gwen kept working, only looking up for a split second.

Marissa looked and the ground and then gave me a bitter smile. "I thought you deserved it. You had passed out in the middle of our fight," she said. And suddenly the memory of Iris messaging Willow without Marissa knowing tugged on my heart, but I knew I should keep it secret.

I rip off my sleeping bag and crawl towards my backpack near the closet. I stuck my hand inside, trying to find the watch I stuffed inside. I look at the time on the orange watch.


Not bad time, but our flight is at 8:30 and I had no idea how long our drive was to the airport.

After getting dressed in the same clothes I wore on the majority of the quest, Marissa, Gwen and I went downstairs to get breakfast.

I suspected maybe we would meet May, after all she hadn't even made an appearance in her own house yet. True, it was night and Hermes had been there... But still.

The only person we met was Apollo, dressed in a black shirt, jeans and sneakers. He sat in one of the small retro chairs, the plastic bottom ones with a pattern. The whole kitchen was yellow themed, with white cabinets and a plain white refrigerator and stove.

I sat down on the other side of Apollo and took out our tickets, reading them carefully.

I felt the black box Hermes gave me in the pocket of my backpack, but I had no plan on sharing that. I felt the edges of the paper, making slight creases in the tickets. I looked up and saw Gwen handing me a cereal bar.

Quality breakfast.

I unwrapped the silver plastic to reveal a nicely molded bar of what looked like to be Fruit Loops.

"So," I said in between a few bites. "Where is May?"

Apollo looked up at me, startled. He looked over to Marissa and Gwen, who said nothing but just stared back at him. He took a deep intake of breath before saying, "She sleeps most days, Hermes said, but occasionally she... Let's just say we need to leave before she has one of her fits."

I could tell Apollo had more to say, but he was reluctant to share.

I nodded and kept eating until all that was left of my bar was crumbs. I wiped a few imaginary ones off my light washed jeans and stood up, slinging on my backpack. "If we really need to leave, we might as well. Our flight leaves in," I paused and looked down at my orange wristwatch. "An hour and a half."

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