Fifteen: ☽ Hermes Gives Me A Knock Off Pandora's Box ☾

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hello hello it is me im really bummed that school is starting soon so im going to try to update nonstop before school starts!!! ive also have been reading this book called zodiac and its really interesting... anyway, love ya sugar xx


Fifteen: Hermes Gives Me A Knock Off Pandora's Box


I've heard of the name Castellan before.  When Kronos inhabited a new body, a boy named Luke was his choice. At the time many didn't believe it, but when the war happened.. .Let's just say it wasn't pretty.

I also didn't want to think that we were in Luke's childhood home.

It's creepy to think that someone who is dead lived where we were sleeping for the night.

"What's wrong?" Apollo asked me. I hadn't said  a word since he told me where we were. A memory of when I had left camp erupted my brain.

I sat up straight and tore off my blanket, goosebumps forming on my bare skin.

"I need to go outside. Is there any water near by?" I asked him, ignoring his own question. I stood up and my feet were met by shaggy carpet. Apollo copied my movements and did the same.

He coughed awkwardly like there was something awkward about the situation.. "There's water in the kitchen."

I waved him off. I didn't mean that kind of water. I needed a pond or a pool of some sort.

I walked slowly to the edge of the living room, standing by the entrance to the long hallway. I pause before leaving the living room. "Where is my backpack?" I ask, spinning around and bumping into him.

"With Gwen in the guest room," he says, a perplexed look on his face.

I nod, trying to act like I did know where this mysterious guest room was.

"It's upstairs. Take a left," Apollo walks towards me and points to the dark staircase. So far, this house is very dark and doesn't have the best lighting.

I walk towards the stair case, it's railing a plain white wood color. I turn my head to peak at the dead end to the hallway. A closet is at the end, and I start to wonder what's inside it.

I pad up the wood staircase and stare at the pictures on the wall.

A blonde boy stairs back at me, with a large crooked grin on his face. He looks around 5 or 7. His blue eyes pierced my own and I noticed that they matched the blue walls.

Realization creep into my skin and I realized that the boy was Luke.

I had only seen pictures of him of when he was wanted in Mount Olympus, but now it was very clear that it was him.

I shivered, crossing my arms and headed up the stairs as fast as I could.

What met me was complete darkness. I guessed that there was a hallway that twisted around a corner, but the no lighting situation kind of was hard to tell.

I shuffled around, trying to find a doorknob and successfully found what I hoped was the room with my stuff in it.

I heard faint snoring coming from the bed which gave me only two options: be a complete jerk and wake up Gwen or walk around blindly until I found what I think would be my backpack but would probably be a wombat.

I chose the first.

I patted the wall until I flicked on the flickering light. It really wasn't that bright, with a bulb missing from the two bulb light fixture. Gwen's sleeping figure took up most of the small twin bed. There was only one, and I looked around and saw an empty sleeping bag next to the bed.

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