Chapter 16

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The news bell rang, and I knew it was time to get to work.

Spot and I followed the boys to the newstand. The boys stood in a single file line, money in hand.

David was the first in line. He slammed a quarter on the table,"100 papes please."

Everyone started cheering and yellin' again. I looked at the crowd and saw a carriage drive back.

It was Jack! I ran through the crowd, dragging Spot behind me.

"What, Santa Fe boring already?" I asked him.

He laughed, "Nah, but I was thinking about it; I should stay right here in Manhattan. I still have business to take care of. Plus, I got family here."

I hugged Jack and he kissed me on the forehead.

Jack looked at David,"So how are the headlines today, Davey?"

David replied,"Headlines don't sell papes. Newsies sell papes."

Sarah made here way around the crowd and Jack pulled her in and kissed her. I wasn't that shocked because I know he liked her.

I smiled at them and looked at Spot. His eyes lit up and he kissed me as well. I took off his cap and waved it in the air as the newsboys whistled and hooted.

Once he pulled away, he told me that he had to go back to Brooklyn.

"Do I get to come with ya?" I asked him.

"Of course, my Queen." He bowed and kissed my hand.

We walked up to Teddy Roosevelt's carriage.

"Hey Mr. Roosevelt, can ya give us a lift?" Spot asked.

"Why, of course! Any friend of Jack's is a friend of mine. Where to?" He said.

"The dock by the Brooklyn Bridge, sir."

Spot grabbed my hand and we climbed into the carriage. I looked at the newsies and saw Jack, Race, and Crutchy walk up.

"Hiya Lexi!" Crutchy spoke.

"Hi Crutchy." I smiled.

"So, ya really going to live in Brooklyn, huh?" Racetrack asked as he lit a cigar.

"Yeah, I'm really happy with him. I promise I'll visit, though!"

Jack was the last one to say goodbye.

"So ya leaving to live with this kid, huh?" He smirked.

"Yeah. I'll send ya a postcard, okay?"

He chuckled,"Yeah, you do that."

I gave Jack a hug and smiled.

"Ready to go?" Teddy Roosevelt asked.

"Yeah." I said.

I grabbed Spot's hand and waved with the other. The crowd began to follow us out into the square, yelling goodbye as we drove away.

I'll miss them, but I'll get to see them. I was going to start my new life with the love of my life.

Once we got there, Spot lifted me out of the carriage. He thanked Roosevelt for the ride and grabbed my hand.

"Wanna go for a swim?" He asked.
I nodded and we ran to the end of the dock. We took off our shoes and jumped into the water.

"I love ya, Lexi."

"I love ya too, Spot."

At that moment, I had realized how much I really loved Spot Conlon. When I had met him at first, he was just the hero with the pretty eyes. Now, he's the love of my life. He annoys me,  kisses me, talks about me to his friends, defends me, cares for me, calls me sweet cheeks, does romantic things for me, and he makes me laugh. Most importantly, he loves me just as much as I love him. And that is the best thing that could ever happen to me.

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