chapter 6

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Once the star had passed, he asked me if his wish would come true.

I smiled, "My name is Alexia. If we become friends, you get to call me Lexi."

"And the other part?'' He bit his lip.

"You'd have to find that out for yourself." I smiled and looked into his pale blue eyes.

He put one hand on my thigh and the other on my cheek. He leaned in. I wanted him to kiss me, but Jack would kill us, and I barely knew him. But it seemed like I was falling for him so fast. My stomach had butterflies and my heart was beating out of my chest. I put my hand on his chest and he opened his eyes to look at me.

"I guess the wish didn't work." He looked at the sky.

"Maybe it will, eventually. I barely know ya. Plus, Jack would kill ya if he knew. He doesn't even know I'm here right now, I snuck out."

"Well, what could I do to convince you?" He asked, messing with his pimp cane.

I thought for a second, "Join the strike; it shows ambition. Then, I'll think about it."

Once I got back, I climbed up the fire escape, and quietly crawled through the window. I changed into my night gown again, and went straight to sleep.

What seemed like 20 minutes later, Mr. Kloppman comes in.

But I just fell asleep.

Mr. Kloppman comes over to me,"Wake up!"

"I'll clean today. Not rally."  I quickly responded.

He nodded and went to the next bunk.

I got up and went into the wash room, "If ya need anythin' washed, leave it on your bed!" I yelled.

Everyone said okay in unison. I went back to my bed and laid down.

Racetrack walked over to me,"Ya alright sis?"

"I'm not feelin' too well Race. I just need lay down." I lied... kinda.

He nodded and quickly got dressed for the day.

Once the boys left, I quickly began to clean the lodging house. I scrubbed the floor, washed clothes, wiped shelves, changed the water in the tub, and finally I was done. I opened the window to let some fresh air in, took a bath, and went back to sleep.

Once I woke up, I decided to meet Jack and the others at the statue. I pulled my hair back into a bun and climbed down the fire escape.

I met up with Jack and the boys at the statue.

"Hiya Lexi!" Crutchy limped over to me and put his arm around me.
"Hiya Crutch." I smiled.

"Ya feelin' better?" He asked, adjusting his stance.


We walked through the crowd until we found Jack. Everyone said hello and we made our way to the distribution center.

There were newsies lined up to get papes. Jack and the rest of the gang began to fight them, because they weren't striking with us. Then, a group of scabbers with weapons showed up and began fightin' back.

I wanted to get down and help but Jack told me to stay up on the fire escape of a building. I was so scared for the newsies.

All of the sudden, Brooklyn newsies started to show up on the rooves of buildings, too.

Spot jumped down onto a fire escape, "Never fear, Brooklyn is here!"

"Brooklyn!" Mush yelled in relief.

The newsies from Brooklyn began to shoot the scabbers with their slingshots. Men yelped and ran out of the place faster than ya can blink.

I smiled when I saw Spot and he smiled back. He grabbed and pulley and zip lined down to the ground. As he landed, he kicked two guys in the back off of Jack.

He walked over to the gate and let the other newsies in. The brawl was very tough, but the newsies won!

Once the scabbers had backed off, the man who put us in the pape because of the strike, Denton, took a picture of us.

Jack announced that we should meet up at Tibby's. Everyone began to leave and Spot walked over to the building that I was perched on.

"Hold on!" I called down. I was 'bout to climb down the fire escape, when I realized that if he looked up, Spot could see up my dress.

"Turn around! I don't want ya lookin' up my dress!" I yelled.

"I wouldn't dream of it sweet cheeks!" He smiles and turns around.

I climbed down and as I got to the last step, I poked his shoulder,"Okay." He turned around and put his hands on my waist. I gently hopped down with his assistance.

Now we were face to face, so close that I could feel the warmth of his breath.

I almost kissed him. I really, really wanted to. I felt somethin' for him. But if Jack saw...

Spot leaned closer, but I put my hand on his chest.
"I can't. Ya know I can't, Spot. Please understand." I looked into his eyes.

"Well, what if I told Jacky-boy? Then could we?"

"No! You can't tell him. I will when I'm ready to, okay?" I hoped he understood.

"Well, what are ya waitin' for?" He asked.

I sighed,"I'll talk to him tonight, okay? C'mon newsie."

He nodded with a crooked smile and we walked together to Tibby's.

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