chapter 7

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Once we got to Tibby's, I sat at a table with Jack, Spot, Racetrack, and Crutchy. They were laughin' about the fight with the scabbers.

"So, Spot. What made ya change your mind?" Jack asked him.

"Well, Lexie here is very convincin' when she wants to be." He said with a smirk.

I can't believe he just said that. I told him not to say nothin' and that includes hinting Jack.

Jack looked at me with an angry look. I took a deep breath and tried to change the subject.

"So Crutchy, how's the leg?"
I could feel Jack staring at me, but still, I tried to change the subject.

What is he thinking? Does he think we kissed? Or that we're even together?

"It still hurts. But its bearable." Crutchy said. I smiled and nodded, "That's good."

Denton brings in a newspaper and sets it in front of Jack.

Mush looks at the picture,"Hey! Look at ya Jack, ya look like a gentleman. Ha!"

"Would ya get ya fingers off my face!" Jack snaps.

"Where's my name? Where's my name?" Spot yelled.

"Would ya quit thinkin' about yourself?" Jack muttered, scanning every inch of the pape.

"So ya get ya picture in the pape. So what?" Skittery said.

Everyone began to yell at him. I couldn't help but laugh. Seeing them all argue was real funny.

"You've been in a bad mood all day!" Jack exclaimed.

The boys began to sing 'King of New York'.

In the middle of the song, Racetrack pulls me up on a table, expecting me to sing the next line.

I smile and burst out singin',"Ain't I pretty, its my city, I'm the Queen of New York!"

He grabs my hand and twirls me around. I jump down and watch every one finish the song.

I saw Spot begin to walk towards me. I didn't want to talk to him after what he said. I walked out of Tibby's diner and sat down by the entrance. A few seconds later, i heard the door jingle again, he followed me out.

"What's your problem, sweet cheeks?"

I glared at Spot, "Don't you call me that. Don't you dare call me that."

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Like you don't know. I told you I would talk to Jack. I like ya, alright? I was going to talk to  him. Then, ya had to go and say that? I don't even know if I can trust ya."

"My bad. But, if he's gonna accept us bein' together, he may as well start now." He kneeled next to me.

"There might not even be an us. I have to tell him how I want to, or he'll get mad at me." I got up and began to walk home.

Spot chased after me, he grabbed my hand and leaded me to an alleyway. I leaned up against a brick wall.

"I'm sorry, alright! I won't say nothing more, I promise. " He said.

"Okay." I sighed.

I thought for a minute.

He likes me enough to risk gettin' soaked by Jack. I have to trust him.

"Meet me. There's an old, abandoned building next to the newsie lodge. 11:00. Don't be late." I let go of his hand and walked home.

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