Dumb Eggs

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Then the world fizzed out like a bad television station and I was back in bed watching space like I had been before my freakish hallucination. Calmly I placed my head on my pillow as I calmed down from what I had seen and tried to get some sleep hoping that I would dream of nothing this time.


I scratched my eyes warily as I thanked my mind for a sleep without nightmares.

"Pst! Are you up yet Vela?" I quickly picked up Onca's unnecessary call as I moved to a sitting position. All the while I made sure I slumped enough so the Onca's temporary bed wouldn't bonk me in the head.

"Yes I am you duckling!" I replied while lying back and kicking the bars Onca was sitting on.

"Owe!" I heard after the loud thunk of Onca's head meeting the ceiling.

"That's what you get for waking me up." I hissed back. Once My hands grasped the pillow that had mysteriously fallen from Onca's bed to mine I whipped it back.

"Hey, it gets boring waking up way before you sometimes." the waking girl defended as she jumped out of her wooden frame and onto the floor without bumping into anything, surprisingly.

"Shut up you two!" a little voice shouted from on the other side of our wall as her fist met the wall and created an annoying bang.

"How about you shut up! It's not like we were trying to wake everyone in this entire building!" Onca fiercely screamed back as she banged her fists on the wall in between every word.

"How about we go get breakfast?" I calmly said trying to break up the small war.

"Sure. I'll deal with her tomorrow." Onca angrily said as she held her fist up to the wall.

"Haha!" the wall shouted as we started to walk away.

"Did you hear that little twerp?" Onca announced as she tried to turn away from my rock hard grip.

"We are going to eat breakfast and you will like it!" Onca was my best friend and I wasn't going to let her get in trouble again. Well, she kind of had to be my best friend considering we were the only teenagers in this dump.

"What do you think you're going to eat Vela?" Onca nodded her head to the smell of bread wafting out of the kitchen door.

"I'm going to guess bread considering that's the only thing The Keeper feeds us."

"Oh, I was thinking eggs." Onca giggled at the little joke as I punched her arm playfully.

"Eating an egg would be a miracle but you know if we had any eggs The Keeper would sell them as if they were liquid gold." I knew that it was true because once when I was six I had found a wild chicken egg and brought it to The Keeper asking her if she could cook it for me but all she did was smile, nod and sell it without telling me.

"Oh, lighten up at least now if we find an egg we can cook it ourselves!" Onca shouted as we walked through the door into a room of kids cooking bread.

"Who wants to give the old kids some bread!" Onca joyfully shouted as she raised her arms up in exclamation.

"No, you thief." a little girl said as she took some of her bread out of the fire.

"Fine." Onca said as she reached for the loaf and ripped some off.

"Hey that wasn't fair!"

"Oh really, want to know what really isn't fair? Stealing a bite of bread that doesn't have enough wheat in it. Girl! This tastes like a mix of air, water and rye!" Onca shouted as she inspected the rest of the piece she had evilly torn off.

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