The Ok Escape

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A smoke cloud started to form underneath the large island as Onca began punching variously colored buttons. "Onca, can you please stop!" Daphne and I sternly warned as Onca backed up.

"I bet you'll need one of those buttons at sometime and I won't be there to help you." The uncontrollable girl warned. Getting back to my control panel with Daphne at my side I began pointing the ship at the unreal wall.

"Five." I counted down until I was at one and the ship was completely ready. Right as I screamed zero though I heard something bounce off the wall and we flew up to the ceiling. Crashing through the stone we destroyed Corvus's house on the hill. Or what was left. Making it through the atmosphere safely I left Daphne for a moment.

"Who hit that button?" I yelled looking directly at Onca who instantly shook her head and pointed at Aquila.

"Well what was I supposed to do when this idiot keeps poking me! She kept saying 'Knock knock. Knock knock.' But whenever I said come in she would say I'm doing it wrong and continue!" Aquila screamed while reciting Onca's lines in the most unbearable voice.

"Well you don't have to throw a gun at me!" Onca responded picking up the silver device that lay on the ground next to the wall control panel.

"You too better be good. I'm going to go sit back in that seat and steer us. If you call my name once I'm going to turn this thing around!" I yelled angrily once their mood rubbed off on me. Sitting back in my chair I started to look up at the stars trying to recognize familiar ones.

"Daphne!" The two toddlers in the back screamed after a small argument erupted, and by small I mean I thought that if I looked back I would see a full blown war in a miniature spaceship.

"Guys, I'm being more mature than you!" Daphne screamed back in her high girly voice.

"I'm being more mature than you!" Onca quoted in the highest voice she possessed.

"That's not nice Onca!" Aquila screamed while I heard a soft pay indicating she had given a punch.

"Well that wasn't nice either!" Onca defended punching Aquila back. Daphne then came back to her seat rolling her eyes as I searched through my journal and the stars surrounding me.

"I think we're going the wrong way, try turning around." The spaceship turned as Daphne fulfilled my order.

"Hey, what's that?" Daphne questioned while pointing to a light in the distance that seemed to zigzag before moving off behind the moon.

"Well it looked like a spaceship but o don't get why it would panic unless..."

"Hey, what's this?" Aquila questioned holding up a dark blue metal plate decorated with three white lights blinking in the dark.

"Throw it out!" I screamed at the top of my lungs opening my mouth so wide I thought my lips may never return to normal size.

"Geez, fine." Onca said as she tossed it out the hatch that was safe to use in space. Starting off fast I tried to get us away from the device but all my efforts were in vain as the two non belted girls in the back tumbled in our ship's somersaults.

"What was that?" Aquila expressed loudly after regaining herself.

"It was a bomb equipped tracking device! Corvus was following us!" I flailed my hands all over the massive control board fixing everything. All the while I kept an eye out for the little ship the could have followed us. After about ten minutes of lonesome in the universe I decided we had lost them.

"Let's turn around." I informed Daphne going back to a star I had recognized.

"What..." Daphne's speech was interrupted with a sleepy yawn opening her mouth,"should I do now?" She finished.

"I think you should go to sleep, I can handle this."

"Sure." And so she reclined in the chair and began a steady breathing pattern.

"So guys, want to keep me company?" With no response from the girls I looked back to see Onca and Aquila sprawled on the floor.

"Well I guess I'm in charge." I told my self. Then an unwelcome yawn started to prick at my lips forcing them open. I unhappily let it out, covering my mouth as if telling myself I wasn't truly yawning.

After a few minutes I groggily stared into space mixing the stars and darkness into a canvas of black and white. Keeping the ship steady I looked back at my pictures noticing there were no more stars to follow. Then I saw wisps of white floating towards my unsuspecting spaceship. Looking towards the source I saw a planet giving off the beautiful flowers.

"What was Corvus doing with that machine anyway?" Onca asked from the back after quietly waking, completely oblivious to the scene in front of me.

"He was taking all the darkness out of the universe so that nothing would exist." I answered while watching the elegant world flow by.

"But why would he do that? There would be nothing left for him!" Onca outrageously exclaimed once she sat up.

"He would take it all away just to find the source." I replied once more.

"What do you mean?" Onca had realized I was leading to something deeper.

"Look." I said, pointing to the glowing world in front of us.
'Back when Corvus followed the girls'

"You idiots! Get up!" I screamed at my slaves after a rock woke me up to see a nightmare.

"What happened?"

"They got away! We have to track them so just get in the escape pod already you blundering baboons!" I screamed once more ready to blow a head off.

"They took the escape pod sir." One of the dunderheads boomed.

"I mean the one we still have!"

"But sir, that only fits one person."

"We can fit!" I screeched. So we all crammed behind the control panel. I let my expertise flyer sit in the only chair as he began something other than beating people up. He tracked the escaped girls to space until we saw them and followed stealthy for a few moments. Then they turned around.

"Crap. Move!" I shouted.

"Where should I hide?"

"Ba hind the moon!" I shouted while the other guard said to go the opposite way.

"Blow me up!" I screamed after we hid and I decided this maneuver had been far to risky.

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