Insanity Meets Crazy

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"You know where you're going right?" I shouted as I finally realized Mr. P.H.D. was steering is through the endless ocean.

"Yes there are some things I know!" He shouted back obviously annoyed to have adopted two annoying girls.

"Why did you adopt us from one of million of orphanages especially if you live across the ocean from our orphanage?" I asked cutting off Onca's sass so as not to get the man that could steer us into hunger in the middle of the deep blue any more annoyed.

"Well I live on a small island and we have no orphanages so you guys were actually the closest orphanage." Corvus answered with a very reasonable answer.

"And speaking of small islands there's one!" Onca shouted as if our boat was going too fast for us to hear her.

"Finally you say something intelligent." Corvus said as I rolled my eyes.

"Finally you use big words! Good boy!" Onca shouted like she had before.

"Onca you know we aren't going that fast you don't have to scream." I told her.

"Yeah but if I think we are I think it makes Mr. P.H.D. feel successful!" Onca shouted.

"Well here we are." Corvus said as he quickly tied the boat then jumped off.

"Wow this is a small island." I said as I glanced around at the tall mountain shape of the island but the size drew from the height when you notice how it is only a small mountain with some buildings and stairs on it.

"What should we do with them?" A deep voice said as someone snuck up behind me and grabbed me with their two meaty hands.

"That one's Vela" Corvus pointed at me,"and that one is the annoying little Onca. I say put Vela in the prison with her old friend and get rid of Onca however you see fit." Corvus finished as I gasped and finally realized he was truly the man in my dreams. But who else was my friend besides Onca?

"You can't kill Onca!" I shouted as two men dragged us in different directions.

"Let go of me!" Onca shouted over and over until she finally took the easy way out and jumped up and right back down onto the man's feet with a crunch as her metal bottom boots she had made to keep from wearing out left the man in a bundle of pain. Onca quickly rushed to the boat and brought the sails up quickly as she sailed away on the easy wind.

"See you soon Onca!" I shouted as the man carrying me covered my mouth and tightened his grip on me to keep any tricks I came up with in my mind. I was dragged past faded cracked gray stone stairs to the top of the mountain and over to the other side of the mountain where a large prison cell was built into the mountain and a single metal door with a bar window on the top was the only exit and entrance.

The burly man let go of me with one hand and opened the door with an unbearable screech of metal scratching against metal. "You two have some catching up to do." the man said as he closed the door with the same horrible noise and I was left to find out who else was in the dimly lit jail.

"Who is that?" A familiar voice asked from the corner of the jail without any fear in her voice.

"Aquila? Is that you?" I asked as I walked over to her.

"Vela!" She shouted as she got up and ran to me embracing me in a murderous hug.

"Aquila! How do you remember me?" I asked as I wondered if she had had dreams like me.

"I had dreams of you. I thought they were just dreams until Corvus adopted me and put me in here. How do you remember me?" Aquila asked as she stopped her force hugging.

"Dreams, just like you." I said as I dropped out the part of seeing the path of stars knowing that in my dream I had been keeping it from her for an important mission.

"Cool! So I guess we pretty much remember everything but what do we do now?" Aquila asked as she motioned towards the door.

"We aren't breaking out, that would be bad." I answered as I sat down and started laughing when Aquila looked at me like I was a complete stranger.


"Of course Vela had to get me into this." I said as my friend tilted his head as if asking for something.

"I have no food you selfish brat!" I shouted as I slammed my hands on the boat and the seagull flew away. "Speaking of food I am kind of hungry." I said to myself as a lightbulb finally went off in my mind. "Of course the eggs!" I screamed as I ran to the edge of the boat and grabbed the wooden basket most likely full of rotten eggs.

"Now how to eat them?" I asked myself as I held up the raw egg.

"What do you think Dr. Onca?"

"I don't know but it surely needs to be cooked."

"What kind of doctor are you?" I shouted.

"The medical type duh! I was never taught how to cook an egg in the middle of the sea!"

"Fine! Oh I have an idea anyways!" I shouted as I ran to the other side of the boat without even questioning my sanity. I quickly moved the black anchor out of the shade of the bench in the boat and into the sun and waited for what I knew would happen. "Heat!" I shouted as I touched the burning black anchor and ran back to the basket as I rocked the boat slightly.

At the speed of light, or however fast someone can move after not having food since last night, I cracked the egg over the anchor and watched as the white and yellow stayed neatly in place hopefully catching some heat.

"Bawk!" The seagull shouted as it swooped towards my egg.

"Move you big lump!" I shouted as I waved it away and continued to sit in anticipation of what would be inside of me soon.

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