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Celestine Allen King's POV

I woke up alone in the bed. Heath went to a business meeting in England and I am all alone in home. I call him twice everyday and he doesn't talk much. I miss him so much. But he will be coming home today. I am excited.

Being alone without him in this big house is so boring and staying that far away is so hard. I want him near me now. Just the thought of him brings smile to my face. God! I love him so much.

He is the most handsome person I have ever seen. Thinking of the things he can do to me makes me all hot and wet.

"Heath I miss you. Come home soon", I thought to myself.

I heard my phone ping on the night stand and picked it up to see. It's a message from Heath.

I will not be coming home today. It might take a while here. I will come two days later.

What? No! I should wait another two days! I replied anyway.

Okay baby. But I will miss you. Come home soon.

I put the phone on the night stand and sighed, then got out of the bed to go to bath. After bath I wore clothes and went to kitchen to eat my breakfast. After finishing it I started writing dialogues for the next episode of the serial.

I am so engrossed in it that I didn't notice my phone ringing. After about ringing so long I noticed it and picked it up.

I answered it without seeing called ID.


"Hey Celest it's me Kate", I froze. I didn't know how to answer it. It's been a month since we both talked and she accused of Heath. To say truth I really miss her.

"Hey", I said without any emotion. I miss her alot. But she accused Heath, I can't just let the matter leave my head.

"Look Celest I am really sorry for saying all those things to you. Maybe you are right. I thought wrong. Anyway you know I will always want good for you. I just miss you a lot. Can we please be friends again? Please, please, pleeeeeeaaaaase", she said all in one breathe without any gap.

I thought about it for a minute. I know she is good and always wants good for me. Whatever she have is for me to not get cheated. Now she is apologizing cause she knows the mistake. I think I can forgive her. In fact she is my best friend and every one does mistakes.

"I forgive you and I missed you too", I said vulnerably.

"Thank you, thank you sooooo much", she shouted from the other end that I pulled my phone away from my ear and laughed at her.

"So, where is Heath?", she asked.

"He is in a business meeting in England", I said smiling.

"England?", she asked suspiciously.

"Yeah England. Why?",

"Nothing. Hey are you busy today?".

"No. I am free".

"Can you come to Four Seasons hotel. I miss you. We can catch up and enjoy some time. You can kill time cause Heath is not home".

"Okay. I will be there in twenty minutes", I said and hanged up.

I got ready and am on my way to the hotel. My driver took me there and soon I am there. I got out of the car and went inside.

I can't find her anywhere. I searched for her and there I found her near the pool. I hugged her and smiled while pulling away.

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