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Celestine Allen King's POV

Kate and I just got to our room. We both got freshen up and went for shopping. I hate shopping, it's not like Kate loves it, but she said that I don't have good clothes now and she wants to buy me a whole new wardrobe.

Five hours, ten shops, thirty bags. She brought lot of things. We are both exhausted. All the clothes are only skin revealing or should I say sexy. Bikini, jeans, tank tops and what not, everything she saw would look good on me she would buy.

But shopping somewhat changed my mood and made me forget things. Hope this whole holiday helps me. I want to forget everything and start a new life.

We are now in our room getting ready to go to the beach. We rested for an hour after we came from the shopping. I wore a dark pink bikini. It is strapless revealing most of my shin and showing my cleavage as it is a little tight.

Heath would never allow me to wear something like this. Come on Celestine grow some balls and do what you want to and you came here. Enjoy the holiday, forget about the bastard of your husband, my mind screamed at me. I huffed and agreed with my mind.

"Girl, you look sexy! All the men at the beach are going to kiss the land or should I say the sand you walk", she said as she saw me. I know it's not true

With her beside me, no one will even look at me. I mean she is a super model and her body is something every girl will kill for. She is wearing a black bikini almost same as mine, she is beautiful. Though she is a super model, she is a virgin and not more people know that.

We both got out of our room and linked our hands with our elbows and went to the beach. We rubbed sunscreen on our body and laid down enjoying the sea and waves.

For a minute my mind went back to everything that happened and I can't control the tears that were about to flow from my eyes. I guess Kate saw it, because she quickly got up.

"Celest, are you crying? Come on babes we came here to enjoy here and for you to relax your mind. Not for you to mourn on what happened. Come let's go into the water", she said and pulled me by my wrist.

We both got in the water and played for sometime. Throwing water on each other. I felt happy, relaxed. The cool water in warm weather helped me. We came out, but Kate said she will surf. I don't know surfing so I just sat on the beach watching her.

She is laughing and I am laughing with her too. Maybe it's a new start. I should forget everything. I will. I will not let Heath come in my mind and disturb me again.

I was cheering for Kate. Just then I felt shadow on me, I ignored it and kept looking at Kate who is surfing. She felt some one's presence behind her.

"Hey", a deep voice said as she turned around to see who it is. The man who stood in front of her is six foot and incredibly handsome. But not as handsome as Heath. Stop it Celestine! Why do I compare every man with him? I should stop it.

"Uh...I am sorry do I know you?", I asked him. He shook his head and smiled.

"No, you don't. I just want to start a conversation and don't know how to start that's it", he said nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled at him tightly.

There was an awkward silence between us and I turned around. No. I don't need any man in my life right now. Why does some one every time has to disturb me when I am happy.

"So... you came here for a holiday, I mean a vacation?", he asked as he came beside me from my back.


"With your friend that surfing there?", he asked while mentioning Kate. Oh! So he wants to talk with Kate and try to use his charms to make her fall for him. Everyone does that, but on one succeeds.

"Yeah", I answered him without looking at him. Just then Kate came and stood beside me wrapping a towel around her drying it and removed the towel. All the time I thought this man whoever he is will be looking at her, like other men did, but no. He was looking at me. What's wrong with him?

"Who are you?", Kate asked him.

"Hi! I am Paul", he said giving his hand for me to shake. I shook it, but he took my hand and kissed it. I quickly pulled away. Kate is smirking all the time.

"I am Kate", she said as she pulled me behind her in a protective stance and giving him her hand to shake. He shook it and smiled at her.

"I know", he said to her. Who wouldn't recognize her. "And you are?", he asked me.

"She is Celestine and my best friend, whom you need to stay away from or I will kick your ass if you cause any trouble to her, got it?", she said in a threatening way. I tried to control my smile. He looked scared.

"No, I just... I... I saw you and this beautiful women", he said gesturing towards me, " and can't myself from coming and talk to her. I mean no harm. I swear mean no harm", he said raising his hands in the air.

"Okay, you better not", she said and turned to me. "Let's go, it's getting dark and I need some rest", she said and we were collecting out things when he came to us again.

"Listen guys, we are going to the club that is near to the beach and we have VIP tickets, you can come with us if you want", he said looking at me. I was about to answer, but Kate answered for me.

"No, were are already tired today, we won't come", she said grabbing my arm and dragging me with her. I silently followed her.

"How about tomorrow?", he asked following us.

"Look mister, we don't know who you are and why you want us to come with you to this club but we are not interested and if are trying to hit on my friend you better stop cause we are not really in a mood for any boys. Got it? Now leave us alone", Kate said loudly, but not yelling.

"No, I am not hitting. It's just...I...I just want to know her and-", he was saying shyly.

"Okay, we will come", Kate said cutting him. I looked at her shocked.

"No, we are no-", I was saying but he cut me off.

"Good, just tell me where you are staying. I will come and pick you up tomorrow by 7.00 at evening".

"No need, you tell us the club name and we will come", Kate said.

He gave us the club address and name and went off. I turned to Kate glaring at her. She shrugged.

"What, don't give me that look. He is not leaving and I have to agree. Now he will not disturb us and also I didn't give him our hotel address so he won't be coming. Don't worry. I know you want a NO BOYS INVOLVED vacation and we are having it", she said smiling and grabbing my arm linking.

We both went to our room and bathed again and watched some movies. Kate ate ice-creams a lot and me just two or three. We talked a lot about our college days and went to sleep late night. It's good having a vacation and that to with your best friend, it is awesome.


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