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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"Movie?", I asked while looking at the theater as we both got out of the car.

"Yes. Now come on! There are five minutes before the movie starts", he said smiling before holding my wrist and pulling me with him. It felt weird, him, holding my hand. I would have jumped and exploded with happiness if it was few months ago. But not now. I tried to free my wrist from his grip without him knowing, but he only held it tight.

"So, what movie are we going to watch?", I asked as we walked inside the mall. He turned him head towards me and smiled.

"Jurassic World", he said grinning.

"Oh, I wanted to see it, but didn't get the time", I explained trying to make a conversation. He kept listening to me as I said it while we were walking into the lift.

"I am sure you will enjoy it!", he said excitedly and I smiled back at him. Once we reached the floor of movies, he didn't go to the ticket counter to take tickets, he walked straight to the screen number one. I stopped and he stopped with me before turning back and giving me a confused look.

"Aren't you going to take tickets?", I asked while pointing my thumb over my shoulder to the ticket counter.

"No Bab.... Uh.... I mean Celestine. We don't need tickets. Come on now", he said as he gently pulled me with him.

"But, why don't we need tickets. I mean, we have-", I started talking, but he cut me off, but stopping in the middle and looked into my eyes.

"Shh Baby. Don't worry about anything. Just enjoy the moment", he said as he held me close. I looked away. God, his eyes are so deep. I came out of it soon and took a step back.

"You are not behaving like a friend right now", I complained and he looked away from me. He took a deep breathe and let it out before looking back at me.

"How can I behave friendly with the woman I am in love with?", he asked looking into my eyes. My widen at his sudden question. "I will try to be a friend. Sorry", he apologised immediately. I gave him a small gently nod, not knowing what to say, but accepting his apology. I looked down.

For a minute, there was silence between us.

"Come on", he said still holding my wrist and pulling me with him. Why is he holding my wrist? I walked with him and the person near the door, opened the door for us and we went inside the theater which is filled with dim lights. I noticed that the whole theater is empty. Not even one person is there.

"Why is it empty?", I asked him confused.

"I booked the whole theater for us", he said looking into my eyes. I would have blushed at this and kissed him hard with all the love that I used to have. But now, I just heaved a sigh and shook m head at him at how hard he is trying. I gave him a forced smile, even though a small part of my hearted melted inside. I just ignored it and we both went to sit at the last forth row, since the view will be clear.

"Thanks for this", I said not forgetting my manners. He smiled at me.

"There is more. I don't want you saying thank you to me every time. Just enjoy and no thank you's please", he said in a pleading voice along with pleading looks.

"Okay", I whispered almost with a shy smile while looking down at my folded hands in my lap. Then I heard a whistle from beside me and gave Heath a confused look. Why did he whistle? Before I can open my mouth and answer, he was taking pap corn and two bottles of cool drink from a man, that wore a uniform who works in the theater. Heath gave him some tip and dismissed him hand arrogantly.

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