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Hi guys! Before you read the chapter, I want to clear some things first. This is not a story where the female protagonist goes back to the male easily. Heath had to do a lot of work to have her back and he is going to do it. I request you all to not jump into conclusions about the story. The story is not going to end soon. There is still time for both of them.

Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"Breakfast is ready". I hear Heath say and I stop packing my clothes to turn and look at him. He is leaning against the door sill with his hands in his pocket as he is watching me with sad look in his eyes. He is wearing a dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt. His biceps can be seen. Once I saw him, he stood straight and looked at the clothes that I am packing and then at my suit case.

"I will come down soon". He just gave a nod to my reply and silently turned around before walking away.

Today is the last day. After lunch, he is supposed to drop me home. The whole week is over. Just like that. I huffed and returned back to packing my bags, but many thoughts kept running in my mind. About what we talked last night. About what he said. Many questions, in which some have answers, but some don't.

I quickly took a shower and came out. I wore a white skirt that reached below my knee and light pink blouse. After drying my hair, I put on a pair of white diamond studs and took a last look of myself in the mirror. Although I have no interest, I looked at myself and soon my thoughts began to wander. I shook my head and went down. I descended the stairs and went into the kitchen, but he is not there.

Coming back to living room, I checked the dining room and turned around to find him, but he is not there.


No answer

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No answer. Where is he? Maybe at the back. I went to the backside of the house and found him in the lawn, arranging the plates and spoons on the table. I walked down the steps and went to him. Once he saw me approaching, he stared at me for minute and then gave me a big smile. I frowned for a minute. Why is he smiling suddenly? I gave him a smile back once I reached him. He pulled the chair for me.

"Thank you". I adjusted myself in the chair.

"Welcome Bab-uh....", he stopped and I looked away not knowing what to say. " Celestine", he said and gave a nod with a tight smile before going and sitting in his chair. The air got a little awkward between us.

"Um.... So, what is there for breakfast?", I asked with a happy voice, trying to lighten the mood.

"I made pan cakes, French toast....", he said and the list went on till another ten items. My eyes widened and I looked at him in shock.

"Did you cook all this?", I ask with shock. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down at the food before looking at me.

"Yeah", he replied with a smile and I smiled back genuinely. "Let me serve you", he said and put some items on my plate and then in his.

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