Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

A small change: Guys, in the last chapter, they started at eight O' clock on Sunday morning right. But from here on, they started at six O' clock on Saturday morning. Sorry for the trouble, but I need to make time adjustments in the story.

Celestine Allen Michealson's POV

"Are we going out of country?", I asked curiously as we sat in his plane. It has already been three hours, but he is still not saying anything. I asked all kind of questions to make him answer me, but nothing worked. He just smiles at all my questions and gives one common reply.

"I am not telling you. You should find out yourself. If I tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise Baby", he said still smiling. I just gave him a fake glare and look out of the window to hide my smile. "Why don't you go to sleep? I will wake you up once we reach there".

"Okay", I sighed and leant back on my seat, thinking of what I did before I got on this plane. "Heath", I called out softly.

"Hmm?", he hummed looking at me.

"What if Kate found out?". He put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes.

"She will not. She will be busy and even if she did, just tell her the truth, what will happen?". I sighed at his response.

"But you know how she can be. She hates you". I whispered the last part.

"I hate myself too", he whispered to himself, but I can hear it. I didn't know how to respond to that. "Tell her that you are working on a project that your father didn't want you to and that's why you sneaked out". I nodded my head at that. That seems a little believable.

Earlier, before we got on the plane, I called Kate to tell dad that I am going to be with her the whole day. But I didn't tell her that I am actually with Heath. I quickly ended the call once she agreed. I know she has a lot of questions, but I cut off her call before she can ask all of them. I laughed out loud thinking about all of it. Heath turned his head, looking at me with a frown on his face.

"Why are you laughing?". I stopped laughing and grinned before it turned into a smile. I shook my head at myself, thinking how silly I am being.

"I never sneaked out. Not like this". My smile still there. "I never had a boyfriend or I never went on a secret date without telling dad. One or two dates that I went, dad knows about them. But sneaking out like this....", I can't help but laugh out there. "Real mature", I mocked myself still smiling. Heath gave a grin too and smiled showing his perfect teeth. I looked away and laughed at myself in my mind.

"Celestine", I heard Heath call, just as I was about to close my eyes. I opened them and turned to look at him with my sleepy eyes. "I am sorry, I didn't think you were sleeping".

"No, it's okay Heath. What it is?".

"Nothing important. Sleep, we can talk later. You can go inside. There is a bedroom. You already know right? You can sleep there comfortably. Come", he said standing up and giving me his hand. I took his hand without hesitation and for some reason I liked it. He held it tight, yet gently and led me inside to the bedroom.

"I know where it Heath. It's not a palace for me to forget my way. I can go by myself", I said smiling. He smiled back

"I know, I just....", he trailed off and we reached the bedroom. I went inside and he stood near the door watching me as I sat on the bed before falling back on the bed and snuggled in with the pillows. The bed feels so comfy and soft. I pulled my legs together, all the while feeling his eyes on me. I blushed as I looked at him and hid my face in the pillow, knowing he is smiling at me. "Good night", he mocked.

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