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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"Where are we going?", I asked him as he driving the car. He turned to smile at me.

"It's a surprise", he grinned before turning his eyes back to road. I didn't want to ask him what the surprise is about, cause I am not interested in it.

We have came to Los Angeles today morning. We just landed an hour ago and Heath is taking me to where I don't know. I just stared out of the window at the traffic. I didn't want to even talk with him.

I talked with Paul today morning. I didn't want to hide things that are happening between me and Heath, but I also thought it is not a right thing to tell him what's happening on the phone. It will only increase his tension. He told me how much he loves me and to call him if I want anything before cutting off.

I am lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that we are now alomst out of city and I sat up straight. Heath pulled off the car in front of a very familiar gates. The security opened the gates and we went inside. I am shocked that he brought me here. Heath got out and came to my side. He opened the door on my side and gave me his hand. I took it before coming out.

"Surprise", he said and I should say that I am really surprised by seeing the very known villa in front of me. It's his parents villa. Why did he bring me here?

I gave him a confused look. He took my hand again. I want to take back, but I stopped myself remembering his words. "let me hold your hand. Who knows what will happen after this week". We walked to the grand entrance of the front doors and Heath rang the bell. The doors opened and there stood his mother, Annie. She looked up at him with shock on her face.

"Hi mom!", he said and he just glared at him. She then turned to me and a smile soread on her face. She stretched her arms out for me and I hugged her instantly. She is like a mohter to me that I always wanted to have. Tears brimmed my eyes as I hugged her tightly for a minute.

"Hi Annie!", I said after pulling away.

"Hi my dear! It's been a long time. Oh I am so happy you are here today on our anniversary!", she said excitedly. That's when I remembered and turned to look at Heath. Today is his parent's anniversary. He is smiling lightly at me.

"Happy anniversary Annie! Where is da-I mean where is Peter?".

"Inside. Come on", she said grinning.

"Mom", Heath called and Annie stopped to look at him. She just stared at him for a minute. I got confused on what is happening for a minute, then I remembered what he said. "My mother and father stopped talking to me". I just gave him a look of sympathy. She then smiled before hugging him. They hugged for a minute. There were tears in her eyes after she pulled away.

"I missed you son! Now that you brought her home, you are allowed to come in. I am so happy that you both are one again together. Come inside and tell you father that! He is going to be so happy by listening to the news!", she said excitedly and went inside. I gave Heath a look. What just happened? We walked inside.

"Annie-", I started but she cut me off. She is hugging Peter and then turned to us. I and Heath are looking at each other tenesly.

"Peter! Heath and Celest are together again!", she said and Peter came to me to hug me.

"So good to have you back again Celestine", he said smiling happily. I looked at Heath for help from Peter's shoulder. I was about to tell them the truth, bit felt a hand on hand, stopping me. I saw that it is Heath. He is giving me a pleading look.

"Don't tell them the truth please. They look so happy. I promise we will tell them later. But not now", he pleaded. He is right. They look so happy together. I nodded my head at him without meeting his eyes.

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