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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room. It must still be mid night. I sat up on the bed and switched on the lamp on the night stand. I feel my head ache a little and put my fingers on my temples to massage lightly. Then everything that happened a few hours ago came back to me.

Why did I behave so harshly with him? God! I should have kept my anger in check? What will Annie and Peter be thinking about me now? I behaved like a brat!

I shook my head regretting what I did and got up from the bed. I took my sweater and wore it before walking out of the room to go to the huge lawn at the back as I am not feeling sleepy. I went down the stairs and then to the lawn at the back. I leaned against a huge pillar and looked at my fingers before adjusting my sweater as the cool air hit me.

I looked up and found the full moon with stars shining bright in the sky and felt relieved. It is so beautiful. I looked away from the moon and at the bench in the lawn to find Heath sitting there. I can see him from the side, his left side.

I should apologize to him about my behaviour.

Thinking that, I stood up and was about to go to him, when I saw Annie walk to him and sat beside him. I stopped.

"Hey mom!", he greeted with what I can see is a fake smile.

"Why are you still not in bed?", she asked like she is scolding a kid.

"You do know that I am thirty years old right?", he asked her. I smiled looking at them.

"I know son. I gave birth to you".

"Then you do know that I can sleep whenever I want", he said and his voice had humor in it.

For a minute they were both silent. I just stood there, staring at them in the moon light.

"Thank you for accpeting me back mom. I missed you", he said looking at her. I can't see her expression, but I can surely tell that she gave him a warm smile in return.

"I am sorry for pushing you away like that", she apologized. I folded my hands near my chest.

"No mom. I understand. You have every right to do that", he said looking down, I guess ashamed. I know what they are talking about. I put my head down too for some reason as I felt sorry for him.

"I just.... I was not able to digest the fact that you, my son, cheated on Celest and divorced her", I heard her say. He nodded his head still looking down.

"I am just pathetic", he said shaking his head and I heard something in his voice. Somehting vulnerable.

"I know this may sound cruel and as a mother, I should not say it like this, but, yes you were", she said looking at him. My mouth opened a little in shock at her words.

For a moment again, there are no words. I just stared at them as some memories of him hurting me emotionally and unintentionally came back. I bit my lip and stared at my foot. Then I heard her speal again.

"You were pathetic son. But I don't think you are now", she said and he raised his head to look at her. I could see the vulnerable expression on his face through the light of lamps in the garden. There are trees in front of me, so they can't see me.

"Thanks mom", I heard him say. She placed her hand on his back to comfort him.

"Now tell me what is it that is bothering you", she demanded and he looked at her.

"No. Nothing is bothering me", he said casually. I kept hearing to them curiously.

"Heath, I am your mother. I know whenever you feel sad or upset or if something bothers you, you come here. It's a habit you have since you were a child. Also I can see the sadness in your eyes. Now tell me. Is it about Celestine?", she asked. My heart picked a beat. Somewhere, deep down, I know that it is because of me.

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