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This is a bonus chapter as you guys requested for it. I am so happy that you requested. If you have any requests, please tell me. I will be really happy to fill them.

Heath King's POV

No. Her rejection and her soft whisper of that word pierced my heart. It must have really shocked her as I suddenly proposed to her. But that was what my intention since we were dating. I want to make her mine completely.

After her rejection, I just can't put my mind on anything. I keep calling her. I almost went to her house one day to talk to her, but I knew she needed her space. I still can't stop myself form calling her.

I wanted to tell her that, if she don't want to get maaried soon, it's okay. I will wanit for her till she is happy with that idea. But I just need for her to speak with me to tell this to her. I have been coming to office, but I don't know what I am doing.

"Mr. King". I came out of my thoughts once I heard my secretary, Will's voice. I looked up at him.

"What is it?".

"Everyone is waiting for you in the conference room", he informed. I gave him a curt nod.

I stood up and buttoned my coat before walking out of my cabin to go to the conference room. My thoughts are still wandering.

Is she going to break up with me?

Did I scare her away?

Did I loose her already?!

God, I hope not!

I fucked up again! Shit! Damn it!

I should concentrate on the meeting right now. I need to control my thoughts. I need to control myself. I have a whole company to run. With those thoughts, I entered the conference room and everyone stood to greet me. We exchanged greetings and they all sat down. They are all talking about the oil company that our company is going to develop.

My mind is still not here. How do I get her back? I am loosing my sanity! How is she now? Is she eating well? Is she still upset because of me?

"Mr. King", I heard one of the board members calling and I looked at them.

"Will, put on the projector. Let's start the presentation", I said standing up and taking a deep breath still thinking about her.

"Okay, sir", Will said before doing as I told.

"Mr. King, are you okay?", one of the board members asked. I just gave him a nod. Anyone can easily say that I am not. I shook my head at myself. I need to concentrate. Will left the room.

I started the presentation about the new oil company. They were all listening to it. I tried my best to not let my mind wander off. The presentation was going quite will.

Suddenly the door was pushed open harshly. I look at the door to see who interrupted the meeting. I hate it when anyone interrupts the meetings. My angry expression immediately turned to shock once I saw the one person that I was not expecting to come through that door at this time.

Celestine! CELESTINE! She's here? Is she really here or am I just imagining?

She quickly walked to me and threw herself at me. Her arms wrapped around me and I am still in shock. A minute passed in a haze.

She is here! She is really here! Thank God! Thank you so much! Oh God, I didn't loose her!

I wrapped my arms around him instantly and hugged her tightly, scared she might go away if I loose my hold on her. I am not going to do anything to scare her away like that.

"Baby, I missed you", my feelings instantly came out of my mouth without my consent. I can't stop them. I have been holding them inside for a long time.

"I love you Heath. I love you so much". Her words left in shock. Is this a miracle? Is this true? I am not dreaming, right? I hope not. To prove that this is not a dream she pressed her lips against mine. I am left in complete shock. I kissed her back, letting all my emotions flow in. I forgot about my surroundings completely.

"I love you too Celestine. Oh God, thank you so much. I thought I drove you away. I thought I lost you", I said grinning in between the kisses. She pulled away and I looked down at her with my arms around her waist. I don't have any intention of letting her go. The projector light is falling on her face and she is as always beautiful.

"Let's get married". Her words completely left me in shock. I don't have anything to say anymore. No words can express how I feel now. Nothing else can compare to the happiness I am feeling right now. I feel like I am over the top of the world after hearing those words, like my dream has come true. My eyes are still wide and she pecked my lips laughing.

That's when I heard people laughing and that brought me out of the haze I am in. She blushed and hid her face in my chest. I laughed out loud. I cannot explain how happy I am. My heart is still beating faster with the happiness. My eyes shed with happy tears and I covered them up by blinking.

I looked down and found her in her track shirt and pant. Her hair is down and she is even more beautiful. What I can never forgive in my life will be this day. Her coming into my office and telling me that she is in love with me and that she want to get married. I am finally having her in my arms. I can never be more happy.

"I am sorry", I heard her whisper.

"No problem Baby. Totally worth it. You look beautiful", I said and kissed her forehead. "I love you", I finally said her want I longed to tell her this past week.

God this is a day of miracles! I love her so much!


Hey my cute dumplings!

I hope you guys like the chapter. I know it's short, but I am so happy that you guys requested it. Please comment. Next one will be the last chapter.

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