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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"Come and visit me again when you have time", Annie said while hugging me and I smiled.

"I will", I said while pulling away, but still holding hands. I looked beside her and smiled at Peter. He smiled back kindly. "Bye Peter", I said while going to the car, where Heath stood, holding the door open for me. I looked back at them again while smiling and sat inside the car. Heath closed the door gently and came around the car to sit beside me. Peter's driver started the car and drove off.

Heath woke me up today morning, saying that we are leaving today. Since I woke up, all my mind can think about is what I heard last night. His words kept ringing in my head. Now we are leaving to the airport to go home. His home. It's already twelve O' clock and it may take some time to go there. I felt my phone vibrate in my hands and looked at it to see that the call is from Paul.

"Hey", I greeted once I lift call and from the corner of my eye, I saw Heath looking at me.

"Hey Baby! How are you? Is everything okay? You didn't call today morning and I got worried", he said in a worried tone from other side.

"I am sorry Paul. I forgot. How are you? How is your mother?". I felt Heath stiffen beside me once he heard Paul's name.

"It's okay. I am good. I just called her and she asked about you. We should meet her once you come back", he said and I smiled.

"Definitely. It's almost been a month since I visited her last time".

"Yes. So when are you coming back?".

"I will be coming home in two days. Since.... You know, the contract for seven days will end then", I almost whispered the last part while giving a side glance to Heath, who is looking at me seriously. He turned his head away slowly as I looked at him.

"Okay. Be careful and call me if you need anything. Love you Baby", he said. I pressed my lips together.

"Like you so much", I replied uncomfortably and felt Heath shift in his seat.


"Bye", I said and cut the call.

This is what hurts. He loves me so much and I.... I don't. Yes, I do have feelings for him. But what I feel for Paul is not as deep as what once I felt for Heath. I can't love anyone like I loved him. I know that for sure, but I want to. I want to feel that way and be in love with someone.... Someone like Paul who will love me back. Yes, he is loving me back. But me.... I just don't. I can't bring myself to love him.

Heath just sat silently the whole time till we reach the airport. The silence was uncomfortable. Soon we reached the airport and got out of the car. His private plane is ready, waiting for us. We went inside and I setteled down next to a window seat. Heath sat beside me, but I didn't turn my head in his direction.

Suddenly I felt hands on my lap and startled while looking down to find him keeping my seat belt. He looked up at me and our eyes met for a minute, before I turned my head back to the window. Never once did he behave like this before. I would have jumped in happiness then. I shook my head at my thoughts, since there is no use of recalling the past.

"Thank you", I murmured while looking down at my fingers, not forgetting my manners.

"You are welcome, Baby", he said with a small smile which I saw from the corner of my eye. Soon the plane started and we are in the air. Different thoughts ran in my mind as I sat ideal, while Heath is doing some work. I should tell him sorry for last night. I shouldn't have shouted at him like that. I looked beside me and found him seriously looking at his laptop screen while working.

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