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Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss the bride", the priest said and I took a deep breath before turning to him. I have a huge smile on my face and Heath has the same. My eyes shed with tears and so did his. He cupped my cheek gently and leant down.

His soft lips pressed against mine. He kissed me slowly and deeply once his tongue entered my mouth. This kiss was enough to tell how much he loves me. His another is on my waist and he slowly pulled away.

We heard everyone clap. We can't stop staring at each other. I am so happy. So, so happy.

"I love you, Baby. You are so beautiful. God, I am so lucky!", he said and pecked my lips before taking me in his arms completely.

After agreeing to marry him, both of our families were very happy. Especially Anna. She filled the place of my mother. Her, me and Kate did all the shopping. Kate supported me very much. We took our time before getting married. We set the wedding date after six months of me accepting.

Heath wanted a huge wedding. He invited so many people, there was a huge cake. He made sure that everything was of my taste. All the while in the past six months, never once did he leave my hand. He attended the parties with me. He took me on a date to numerous parties and introduced me as his fiance, proudly. Nothing made me more happy than that.

He even invited few media people to take pictures of our marriage day. He said he wanted everyone to know about our marriage.

"Take care of my daughter son", I heard dad say and came out of my trance.

"I intend to dad", Heath said and kissed the crown of my head. I smiled at him. Suddenly someone pulled me from behind and hugged me. No doubt it's Kate as she is the only one who hugs me closely.

"I am so so so so so happy for you Babe", Kate said suddenly appearing from behind and hugging me closely. "God, I am going to miss you", she said pulling away. Heath and dad laughed.

"We can always meet anytime we want", I said smiling. She is really the best friend anyone can ask for.

"Yeah....", she trailed off. I gave her a confused look and she gave me a nervous smile. I know from that look that she is hiding something. She sighed loudly.

"What is it, Kate? Tell me".

"I have signed a contract for which I should live in London for a few months". I looked at her in shock. She always tells me whenever she signed a contract. We normally share everything. "For which I have to leave tomorrow", she said giving me a fake smile.

"Come on! Do you have to?". I will definitely miss her.

"I tried Babe, but you know, that Bastard of the decade never leaves a chance to torture me. hate him!", she said angrily. "That fuckard!", she whispered, but Heath and dad did hear it. Heath laughed, but dad gave her a fake glare.

"I am going to miss you so much", I said hugging her.

"I will miss you too girlfriend", she hugged me back. We pulled away and Heath put his arm around my waist pulling me closer. "Now go dance with your groom. He is already glaring at me for taking your time", she said looking at Heath. He raised his free hand higher showing that he is not.

Heath and I danced, laughed, talked and I have never been more happy. He kissed me while dancing. Everyone around me was so happy.

"I love you, Baby", I heard Heath say. "This the second best day of my life", he whispered in my ear kissing me on my cheek.

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