Chapter 3

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Dan's POV
"Ellie! Darcie! Time to go home!" I call.

The pugs look up at me, looking sad as ever.

I held up the leash to seal the deal.

"Come along." I had let them loose before that creepy man came up to me.....what package was he talking about?
I began thinking about this while I fasten the leashes to their collars and started walking home. Maybe he was referring the one I had gotten today. But there was nothing special about it, just a plain old empty flash drive....wait...did I check it was empty? Maybe there was something loaded onto the flash drive.

My curiosity was nagging at me, like that devil and angel!

Devil: You should look! Maybe you'll find something interesting.
Angel: No no no! It could download a virus!
The devil and angel kept battling in my head as I walked with the pugs home. Each step I took was questionable. I was extremely curios about the package... That's IT!!! I am done arguing with myself! 'Whatever, I'll look inside the package!'
I hurried home with the pugs behind me, slowing me down because of them "marking their territory".

I barley pay attention to the leaves, like I was already. It was a shame that we took beautiful things like leaves, and just...take them for granted. If we actually stop and think about things we have in our everyday lives, we could...

'Woah, I'm in some deep thinking...and remember last time when you were deep in thought?'

I push through are oak door and take the leashes off Ellie and Darcie. They bound past me, play fighting each-other as they run.

I take off my muddy sneakers and tell Jemma that I am home. I hurry up the stairs back to my room, where I had left the flash-drive. I picked it up and ran the side against my fingertips. It was almost...supernatural...

'You are going crazy Dan...'

I step into my office, with the flash drive with me, and went over to sit next to my computer.
I stab the flash-drive into the generator... Nothing.

'Well it doesn't matter...I need to chill out. Maybe go to some yoga classes... Or play Minecraft, yeah that sound better.'

I double-tap the Minecraft icon and...

'Why is there a laser scanning me?' I ask myself.

A red laser had appeared where the camera usually was on my computer, what I would turn on if I was skyping. It scanned my face and then...

'I don't feel so good...'

The world around me started twisting, I felt like I couldn't keep my eyes in the same place. Then a border of darkness surrounded my outer vision...closing in, getting thicker and thicker. I hit the floor with a crash and black out.

Jemma's P.O.V

'What was that?!'

The pugs jumped up, pausing from their game of 'fight'. They don't seem to care so much so Ellie resumes tackling Darcie.

I hurry upstairs and run into Dan's room.


'No one here' I think.

I frantically race to the bathroom, getting more panic strings tugging at my heart with every step.

'No one is here either!'

I tear across the upstairs floor again and burst into Dan's office.

My eyes widen and tears soon conquer them. Dan was on the floor, pale and lifeless. I rush to his side, gently shaking him.

"Dan.." I whisper, "Wake up...Dan?" He doesn't move, his eyes are closed and relaxed and his body is sprawled out on the floor.

"Dan!" I cry, silently sobbing while trying to get a hold of myself.

Then, his image starts to fade.


I reach out for him, but he is only a black and white outline now.

I look around and find my eyes gazing at a strange beam emitting out of the top of the computer.

I walk closer, wiping my eyes and looking right at it.

Then, it takes me, I fall in slow motion, watching everything crumble.

All I see is darkness...darkness...

DanTDM: A fanfiction: A story about TheDiamondMinecartWhere stories live. Discover now