Chapter 10

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Dan's POV

I was asleep on soft grass when I heard the sound of someone removing my wooden planks. It wasn't a distinguishable sound, I just heard the wooden planks creaking. I knew that there was only my wooden planks around, therefore , it had to be something near me.

I spring up, reaching for something to protect myself, but all I felt was the cool grass brushing against my square hand.I couldn't see a thing in the pitch black darkness which really made the scary situation worse.

"Hello." A monotone voice said behind me.

I spun around to see a outline of a person about an half-inch taller then me.

I raise my fists, feeling threatened, and ask, "Who are you?!" I try my best to sound menacing but my voice cracks.

"I am the darkest of the dark, the monster under your bed, the cause of ANY adrenaline rush..."

The person steps forward, opening their eyes. Suddenly the room is filled with light. I close my eyes quickly, not expecting this burst. I was used to the darkness already and this glow temporarily blinds me.

"I" His voice as devil like as ever,

"Am" He speaks.

My hands are out in front of me and the illumination dies down. The source of the light was this mans eyes. My brain clicks and I know this persons name.


"HEROBRINE!" He shouts as I hear about 3 bolts of lighting hit nearby places with a loud crack of thunder.

He calms down and I send a fist to his face but he catches it and smirks.

"I wouldn't keep fighting if I were you."

"Why not?!"

"I have someone that you might not want to get," Flames rise up behind his back and still smiling, he growls,


He pushes down my fist and makes a picture of Jemma in chains in front of his hand.

'I don't know what to say...uh.... think of something smart to say! Er, uh.'

"Well, that's simply fake."

I mentally facepalm myself.

He responds, "Oh? Well, let's just go see her then." He smiles as of he was playing a massive joke on me.

He stamps his foot on the ground and the world around me cracks and crumbles. I am suddenly transported to another world. We are flying through a void and I see the picture of Jemma, poor Jemma, Herobrine had shown me. He flys up to the picture and soars into it, causing ripples on its surface like water had reacted to him going in.

I fly up to the picture, looking at the distress on my wife's face. Her eyes were widened in fear and tears were pouring down her flawless skin. I stand still for about 3 more seconds when suddenly, a hand shoots out of her face and grabs my leg, I try to fly away but react too slowly, and I am sucked into the picture.

I am pulled next to Herobrine, yet he makes no change in his appearance when I arrive. He just....stands there. I am tempted to wave my hand I front of his face, to see if he is even awake when I decide against it.

I look down at the scene he was glancing at. Just like the picture, Jemma was in chains, except this time, she was moving.

"Jemma!" I shout to her, in hope she would look up, smile and shout back "Dan!". But she didn't.

DanTDM: A fanfiction: A story about TheDiamondMinecartWhere stories live. Discover now