[1] A Shot From Nowhere

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Third Person's POV

Akashi Seijurou. A 10 year old boy from a wealthy and well known family in Tokyo. His father is a famous and rich businessman. And because of that, he and his family almost have everything for their living. Cars, private jets, limousines, horses, and so much more that would enough to make their neighbours and friends wanted to switch lifes with them. But for the young Akashi, being a child from a well known family was a big responsibility. In order to fulfilled his father's hope, he has to go through all of this mind blowing practices. As one of the members of the Akashi family, he has the responsibility to be on top of everything. He has to be above everyone. And he has to mastered everything that his father ask him to do.

Sometimes the young Seijurou couldn't take all of this pressure. The only thing that makes him keep moving forward is because of his mother's support. She always there for him through ups and downs. She always support all of his decision. And Seijurou loves her with all of his heart.

But that's still not enough for him to handle the pressure. Until one day, a boy came and change his life forever. A boy that Seijurou will always remember until the end of his life.


It's Saturday morning and the activity in the Akashi residence was as busy as usual. The maids were walking through the hallways carrying bunch of stuffs. Towels, clothes, paperworks, cleaning utensils, and every other things. It's just a normal day for the young Akashi.

"Remember Seijurou, you have to be able to mastered this song before the end of the week." Seijurou's father said. He leaned against the wall while watching his son with his daily violin practice. Seijurou forced a weak smile then continue to play the song.

He didn't have a break since the practice started. He kept playing the song carefully yet beautifully. Not making any mistakes from the beginning. A few minutes later he stopped and slowly put the violin away.

"Why did you stop, Seijurou?" His father asked demandedly.

"D-Dad, i'm tired... Can we have a break for awhile?" Seijurou lowered his head and looked blankly to the floor. Avoiding eye contact with his father.

"You know we can't do that, son. The deadline is tomorrow and you still haven't mastered the last part yet." His father said not bothering to look at his direction.

"But dad, I've been practicing all week for this and I haven't got a chance to have a break-"

"No means no."

Suddenly the door flew open and a women with long red hair came in. It's Seijurou's mother.

"Sei, I think you've done enough for today. So why don't you take break and play outside for a refreshing?" She said straightforwardly, ignoring a glare from his husband.

"Not now, Shiori. Can't you see that he almost finish with his practice? We have no time to rest and slack off. The deadline is tomorrow." The man said.

His mother smiled warmly and ruffled Seijurou's hair gently, "Honey, I've seen you two already work hard all week and I think you already did a great job. Besides, Seijurou's just a kid. He needs his play time like anybody else. So why don't you just let him play outside for awhile? Then we can continue his practice after that." She said to her husband.

His father sighed heavily and held his temple as if he's thinking about a decision, "Hmph, fine. I think we can take a break. You can go outside Seijurou. But make sure you get back before 3 p.m." He finally said.

A smile grew on Seijurou's face and he hugged his mother in relief and bowed to his father, "Thanks mom. And... thanks dad." Then he dashed from the house and make his way to his favourite park in his neighbourhood.

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