[6] One Weird Meet Up

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Third Person's POV

The sound of violin tunes echoed through the Akashi's residence. It was exactly like the other day, the young Seijurou had his eyes closed while his tiny hands dancing on the string fluently, producing a very beautiful sound.

"You did well Seijurou. This means you're ready to step into the next level."

Akashi Masaomi said as he walked out the room right after Seijurou's practice finished. "Oh, and one more thing Seijurou." He said before disappear from his son's sight.

"What is it dad?"

"It's time to test your music collaboration with your friend. He'll come to our house today. I suggest you to prepare." He said straightforwardly.

"Friend?" Seijurou tilted his head to the side as if trying to remember.

"Yes, your friend. I hope you didn't forget."

"Oh yeah, him. I remember. Okay, I'll look forward for his visit." And with that he left without saying anymore words.

Seijurou sighed and sat on the couch nearby to chill his head for awhile. Having some violin practice for hours plus with his father as a supervisor made his head aches. 'It's been a long time since I met him. I wonder how is he now?' He thought as he layed down to face the sealings. Then an idea came over his head as he glanced at a small orange ball under his bed, the one that Tenma gave him.

'Hmm... Maybe it's time for me to introduce both of them. This'll be interesting.'


Meanwhile outside the Akashi's house --or should I say mansion-- an orange haired boy was stuck at the gate with a security guard blocking his way in.

"Aww c'mon sir! Pleeaaase let me in! Please please please! I'm Seijurou's friend. I just wanna hang out with him." Tenma shouted childishly while forcing himself to pass the big gate in front of him. Sometimes he managed to slip between the guard's leg but he immediately grab Tenma's collar and drag him out again, which made Tenma extremely irritated.

"How many times did I tell you, kid?! You have to made an appointment first if you want to visit Akashi-sama. You can't just barge in like that. It's against this resident's regulation." The guards said as he flicked Tenma's forehead.

"Hey, dude. I'm a 10 year old boy and you're expecting me to understand any of that? Gimme a break." Tenma pouted and crossed his arms, only to receive a glare from the guard.

"Get lost kid. You're just wasting my time here."

"Ugh! Maan, why's adult people are so complicated?" He huffed and clicked his tongue in annoyance. He turned his head to the side and his eyes narrowed towards the edge of the big gate. He smirked and finally stepped away from the guard.

"Well... Okay then, I guess I'll be going now. I'll just walk away from here and go home. Then lay on my bed while eating popcorn~ Sorry for interrupting you sir. Bye~" He wore his headphone on and dashed away. When he's out from the guards sight, Tenma immediately turned to other side the building. He looked up and caught a big hollow tree on the other side of the gate. While on his side, there was a street lamppost which is almost as high as the gate. Tenma giggled as a stupid idea came over his head. "Heh, let see how he likes it when I do this."


"Seijurou-sama. Our guest has arrive." One of the butler called the young Akashi from outside the music room, waiting for a response from his master. Seijurou straighten his position while busy preparing one of his shogi board neatly on a small table.

"Let him in. I just finish on the preparation." He said. Then the butler excuse himself to leave as a boy came in not long after that. Seijurou smiled as he turned his head towards the door and greeted the boy.

"Yo. It's been awhile, huh? Midorima."

"Playing alone with your shogi again? You haven't change at all, nanodayo." The green haired boy named Midorima Shintarou greeted back and put his small bag beside the grand piano in that room --along with a pink water gun as his lucky item of course--. Seijurou face palm thanks to his friend's weird obsession but he shrug it off and walked towards Shintarou.

"And you haven't change either. Let me guess, lucky item for the day?" Seijurou chuckled and pointed at Shintarou's water gun.

"Cancer ranked 2nd today and this'll pervent any bad luck that might happen, nanodayo. Y'know, I think you should bring your lucky item today as well, Akashi." The green head replied as he opened the piano cover and put some music sheets in front of him.

"Oh yeah? And why's that?"

"Well, Sagitarius ranked the last today. So I suggest you to prepare for the worst. But it's not like I care or anything, nanodayo."

Seijurou sighed heavily and finally took his violin beside him, "Heh, sorry... But I'm not that interested on that kind of thing, hahaha. Yup. So shall we get started?" Seijurou grinned happily as he flip the music sheets in front of him, only to receive a confusing look from Shintarou.

"What?" The red head asked and raised his brows as he notice his friend's reaction.

"Nothing. It's just that, I just realize that you smile a lot today, nanodayo. Is something new happened to you these days?"

Seijurou's eyes widen as he averted his gaze and glance at the small orange ball beside the closet. He always carry that thing everywhere he goes and it's funny that Seijurou just realize that. And it cause him to chuckle once more, which made Shintarou more curious than ever.

"Well, the truth is--"


Seijurou's words got cut off when suddenly a loud bump was heard from outside the window. Seijurou and Shintarou turned their heads towards the window while still recovering from the shock they had.

"W-What was that, nanodayo?" Shintarou asked with a stutter as Seijurou gain his courage and walk towards the window then opened it slowly yet carefully. His eyes explored the outside view from the third floor but he didn't see anything suspicious.

"You see anything?" Asked the green haired boy as he approach Seijurou.

"No. I think that was just a falling branch. Maybe? It's weird though, I thought I heard something-- GAAAH!"

Seijurou and Shintarou shrieked in unison when a hand suddenly reached the window frame in a flash. Revealing a small orange head with a black headphone perched perfectly on it.

"Pheeww, maan... I never thought climbing will be that hard. Haaah, at least my arms gonna be more muscular. I guess... haha"

Seijurou gaped in awe the moment that mysterious person jumped into the room and leaned back against the wall full of exhaustion.

"R-Renjirou?! What are you doing?!"

"Oh, hi there Sei. Hahaha, sorry for the sudden visit. I just wanna hang out y'know~" Tenma replied innocently with a big grin.

Then his attention got caught by another boy beside Seijurou. Who wore a total blank expression thanks for Tenma's unexpected visit. The orange haired boy chuckled and gave Shintarou a small wave.

"Yo. What's up? You must be Seijurou's buddy, right?"


A/N :

Another slow update. Sorry guys I tried as fast as I can to keep updating but this story would be extremely slow on the updates. Cause a lot of things happened to me and it's kinda annoying. And I don't wanna talk about it.

Anywaaayss.... sorry if this chap is such a crap. But I hope you like it^^

<3 Ka-Chan11

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