[10] My Name Is Aomine Daiki

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Third Person's POV

The game was simple.

Only 7 minutes play.

But this 7 minutes held the key for this entire story.

Whoever scored the most points,

Wins the game.


"Tip Off!"

As Seijurou shouted, the orange ball instantly flew to the air. Followed by Tenma and Daiki who jumped in unison with the ball as their one and only target for victory. There was only one split second difference between them when Daiki finally caught the ball, one step ahead from Tenma. He kept the ball safe in his hands as Tenma quickly moved back for defense, the orange haired boy just followed his instinct and retreat as an uneasy feeling suddenly rose inside of him.

"You better be ready, orange head. I won't go easy on you! I'll give you a taste of defeat!" Daiki mocked as he arrogantly dribble the ball and made his way towards the ring. Tenma didn't say a single word and just focusing on the opponent in front of him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second, a slight smirk formed on his lips without him realizing it. 'Heh, this is gonna be interesting.'





Only the sound of basketball hitting the ground was heard on the entire court as Seijurou and Shintarou stood still while giving their full attention towards the other two people in front of them. Nobody said a word, everything was pure silence. Then, the tense kept rising up the moment Daiki laid his feet on Tenma's defense range. The tanned boy chuckled arrogantly as he finally decide to make his first move.

In a flash, Daiki accelerate his maximum speed and fastened his dribble pace as he ran towards the orange haired boy. Tenma's eyes widen in shock and he instantly followed Daiki's speed. His eyes narrowed as he focused at the orange ball and also Daiki's every single movement. Tenma had to admit, that boy was incredibly fast and his dribble skill isn't a joke at all. When Tenma saw a bit of opening, he reached out his hand to steal the ball from Daiki. "Gotcha!"


"Hah! Says who?!"


When Tenma's hand was just centimeters away from the ball, Daiki moved backwards and instantly did his ball handling skills to dodged Tenma's attempt. The ball moved really fast in Daiki's control which made Tenma nearly lost his balance. At last, Daiki managed to pass Tenma's defense and it was just an easy point for him. A big grin plastered on Daiki's face as he ran victoriously to make a point. He jumped towards the ring with so much confident that he'll get the first score, when...




'H-Huh?... What just.....'




It all happened amazingly fast. Before he even realized it, Daiki already landed on the ground. It was supposed to be his point. Turns out, Daiki didn't even manage to bring the ball into the basket. He was so sure he got pass Tenma that time and he was totally ready to make a score. But in front of his eyes right now, Tenma was the one who got the ball. His navy blue orbs widen in an instant as he struggled to believed everything that happened. While on the other side, Tenma didn't even move a single inch and there wasn't any sign of him trying to do a counter attack. He just stood there. Holding the orange ball. When he suddenly let out a small chuckle. And it became more and more uncontrollable.

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