[4] Interesting

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A/N :

Renjirou Raito on the media~



Third Person's POV

"EEEH?! SHUZO-SAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE??!!" Tenma exclaimed with his index finger pointing at the black haired boy in front of him.

"Oy, what did I tell you about calling people who's older than you with their first name, huh?!" Shuzo popped a vein as he gave Tenma a light punch on the stomach.

"Ouch ouch! Okay chill maan. What do you expect me to call you then?" Tenma pouted with his eyes closed and rubbed the spot that got hit by Shuzo.

"Can't you just call me normally like 'Nijimura-san' or 'Nijimura-senpai'? You know I hate unrespectful kouhai." Shuzo said and glared with a deadly aura surrounding him.

"Hufft, so troublesome. Hey, at least I added '-san' when I called you. It's really weird for me to call you 'Nijimura'..." Tenma replied nonchalantly and layed on the couch lazily.

Shuzo sighed at the boy and sat beside him to ruffle his hair in annoyance. "Tch, just forget about what I said. I know it won't change anything even if I tell you a thousand times." Shuzo said. Then he paused to reach his pocket and took out a cold drink can then handed it to Tenma. "Here, I bought this on my way here."

Tenma looked up and jolted in surprise as he quickly grabbed the drink that Shuzo offered him. "RED BEAN SOUP! OMG SHUZO YOU'RE THE BEST!" He jumped excitedly and attacked Shuzo with a tight embrace.

Tenma sipped his drink happily as he wore his headphone back on his head then play his favourite song. It's always been his habit all the time. Basketball and music are the only things that Tenma has interested in. His brother and Shuzo are also used to his habit and considers it as a normal thing for them and for Tenma. Their closeness to each other since childhood already made them feel like a family.

"Soooo~ How's Teiko's basketball club, guys? Did everything goes well?" Tenma suddenly ask his brother and Shuzo who's now sitting across the table in front of him. The two boys quickly turned their heads and their attention to the small orange head. Raito smirked mischievously and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Hehehe... Just ask our brand new captain right here!" Raito jumped off from the couch and pulled Shuzo tightly which made Tenma choked at the big news and almost spit out his drink.


Shuzo pouted and averted his gaze away from Tenma and Raito. Even though they could see a pink tint formed on his cheeks, "Hey, don't blame me for this. Coach just asked me out of the blue. And how am I suppose to decline his offer?" He said hesitantly.

"Aah, c'mon you don't have to be shy about this. Maybe it's because you're the one who can really take control of the team. Plus your skills are incredible!!" Raito grinned at the black haired boy but only to receive a smack on his head.

"Oy! If being a captain is all about skills, why don't coach picked you as the captain?" Shuzo crossed his arms and glared at Raito.

The older orange head didn't reply and stuck his tongue out in embarrassment. "Ehehe, well... Maybe it's because of my modelling job? I think? Maybe coach wanted a captain that could really focusing himself to the team than anything else. That's why he chose you." He nudged Shuzo on the shoulder before he sat on the couch and stretched both of his arms.

Tenma watched all of the scene quietly while sipping his canned red bean soup and sometimes humming his favourite song. "Hey, Tenma. Are you even paying attention of what we just said?" Raito suddenly asked as he noticed his younger brother.

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